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íkwalitopé, v. Reversal of ownership, a literary trope. In Lilitika, it is considered unusual to use words like íkwu and domínu on the right side of il or the left side of when the other argument is a possession thereof; this was seen as presumptuous within the context of the Ksreskézaian social sphere. As a result the Lilitai used it heavily in early poetry to mark their independence, hence saní híkwo ("my master") is the most common example. This sensibility nearly died out due to overuse, but reappeared later in longing poems (ifilisúai) to symbolize acknowledgement of the codependence between Okse and slokdtaba.

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

tags: verb, rhetoric