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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
egiskivu n. Absence.
églemé v. To adhere (to rules).
egní a. Narrow.
egní dzhíva n. The narrow DZH consonant.
egní iña n. The narrow NG consonant.
egní tshada n. The narrow TSH consonant.
egní vese n. The narrow V consonant.
egní yura n. The narrow Y consonant.
egninu n. The dimension crossing the point of reference's vision horizontally.
egnipúé v. To shoot a gun or bow, or trigger a catapult.
egnu n. Width.
égônúbedí a. Designed to accommodate Lilitai.
egrekelu n. Culturally neutral term for a Lilitu.
égreku n. Star (Ksreskézaian term).
egrelesturivío n. Okso with a sexual fixation on one or more slokdtabasa.
egrído n. Missile.
egríu n. Gun; any weapon that fires a projectile with a force other than that imparted on it by the user's muscles.
egú– pre. Mysterious, vague, unfamiliar.
egúkorridtu n. Unverifiable claim.
egúlé ex. Cry of disgust or exasperation.
egúlí a. General or vague.
egúlildtu n. Ambiguous property.
egúmeftu n. Relative of indeterminate relation.
egúnikúé v. To make sense of something incoherent or confusing.
egúravé v. To make an ambiguous or equivocating sentence.
egúrobu n. Mystery; uncertain thing.
egúzoka n. Fear of the ambiguous or uncertain.
egwé ex. Maybe.
éha n. Ketalán equivalent to tsu.
éhedethé v. To confer, such as with a colleague.
éhíñkeku n. Camaraderie.
ei ex. Go away.
eidelí a. Integral; necessary.
eiphoa n. Blizzard.
ekahé v. To transform; to change the shape of something.
ekahekhtu n. Variant, alternative form, deviation, variation.
Ekalfídidtina n. Human civilization; humanity; the human race.
ekashya adv. Acting from purest intentions.
ekenede n. Granite.
ekhabra n. Crystalline dendritic plants native to Ksreskézo.
ekhalthéonu n. Computer output device; computer display.
ekhaltu n. Output.
ekhañka n. Basic support garment; resembles a one-piece leotard with a low back that fastens around the back of the neck.
Ekhessanova n. July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
ekhessu n. Shadow.
ékhintu n. Natural talent.
ekhonveré v. To describe.
ekhonverekíu n. Description.
ekhtavé v. To fit (a person, thing, or situation); to be appropriate.
ekhté v. To shape.
ekhtekai adv. Influentially.
ekhtekí a. Influential.
ekhtekíu n. Statue.
ekhtekwía lelenalis n. Blacksmith.
ekhtekwía mallerísanis n. Genetic engineer.
ekhtekya adv. Influentially.
ekhteshí a. Artificial.
ekhteshí terbekhtíu n. Artificial fertilization.
ekhtéthovíu n. Processor.
ekhtezría kedoplinis n. Sculptor, engraver, or potter who works with stone.
ekhtezría sentilis n. Sculptor, engraver, or potter who works with clay.
ekhtezu n. Influence, role model, someone responsible for a life-altering experience.
ekhtinoa n. Synthesizer.
ekhtipté v. To whittle; to carve something small, especially recreationally.
–ekhtíu suf. Forms a verbal (gerundial) noun from a verb in the infinitive (-é) form; in English verbal nouns usually end in -ing but function as a noun.
–ekhtu suf. ~-ness (A to N).
ekhu n. Shape, texture.
ekhúvenaré v. Exact rhetorical parallelism; isocolon (also ekhuví lúthenaré).
ekhuví a. Of the exact same structure and shape.
–ekí suf. Forms an infinite participle (adjective) from a verb; the noun affected always, habitually, or normally performs the indicated activity.
ekidzhé v. To cater to (acc = interest of dat); to bribe (dat) by providing (acc), especially if the exchange is initiated by the provider without having been expected beforehand by the recipient.
ekighé v. To infer.
–ekíu suf. Forms a deverbal noun from a verb (V to N) indicating the product or result of an action.
–ekíurivíu suf. Professional agentive noun (V to N).
ékka n. Episode of mania or spiritual possession; see ékúlézoka.
ekkashiwé v. To grab violently, especially to seize a target in war.
ekkedé v. To beat (violently).
ekkhatza n. Lightning strike.
ekkíloé v. To evoke.
ekla m. But; despite this; still.
eklíyide n. Chorus line from a fínagolo, used to remind the audience that the exchange is meant as entertainment in good faith, and is not merely an embittered argument.
ekmaré v. To attempt.
ekñedesabtiníu n. Relic, artefact/artifact, especially of Ksreskézaian origin.
eko– pre. From joy; see also older synonym kezo-.
ekopré v. To compel.
ekrintedí a. Mutually exclusive.
ekrinyu n. Outsider.
eksafé v. To consult; to ask something (acc) of someone (dat), usually a dedicated consultant (eksafemía).
eksafekía n. Consultation with an expert or wise-woman (an eksafemía).
eksafemía n. Consultant; expert; someone included on a team to answer questions related to their expertise or wisdom.
eksalo– pre. From rage; see also older near-synonym kezalo-.
–eksí suf. ~-causing (V to A).
ektetí a. Biotic; organic; originating in a living organism.
ékúlézoka n. Episode of mania or spiritual possession by the stasrintshéa, especially in Venika jargon.
ékúlí a. Duty-bound; obligated to fulfilling something.
ékúzo n. One who causes Kúlézoka; a heretic, barbarian, troublemaker, fool, etc.
ékúzría n. One who causes Kúlézoka; a heretic, barbarian, troublemaker, fool, etc.
ekwalé v. To excel.
ekwaleí a. Excellent.
ekwaléo n. Excellence.

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