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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
ekwilledí a. Of concepts: abstract; generalized; having no basis in concrete specifics.
–ekwíu suf. Contraction of ekíurivíu.
ekwizgé v. To extract.
ekwizzé v. To extract.
–ekzí suf. To ~ward (noun PM to A).
–eladí suf. Not ~ed (V to A).
elasséú m. Although ~; granted that ~; while gripping ~; while aware that ~...
eldu (1) n. Elf, sprite, or long-lived fairfolk; preferred in literary criticism for elves not from JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth setting (see also kwendu).
eldu (2) n. Proponent of non-interventionalist ("ivory tower") diplomacy; isolationist or nationalist who treats other cultures with disdain, especially a Lyrisclensia.
éldútu n. Humiliation or embarrassment from a social context.
êle n. The schwa vowel.
élentu n. Mate.
eliku n. That way.
élitrí a. Connected; with the group; social; in a state of belonging.
élíu n. There.
–elíu suf. Indicates the location at which a verb is performed (V to N).
elkzu n. Hatred.
ellegé v. To induce.
ellegía n. Induction.
elnapu n. Substrate.
éloarobí a. Applicable.
éloé v. To apply.
élu n. That; there.
émanazé v. To choose a chooser; such as when picking between recommendations.
émazé v. To comply with an instruction.
émazekhto n. Compliance.
embedé v. To dry.
embedí a. Dehydrated, dessicated.
–emí suf. Worthy of ~ (V to A).
émikkúé v. To forge; to smith; to strike metal.
émíonai adv. Conventionally.
émíoní a. Conventional.
émíono n. Convention.
émoilé v. To convict.
émoilekía v. Conviction.
émorendí a. Intensive.
empéré v. To evaluate.
empérío n. Evaluation.
emplitra n. Cave network (archaic).
emplu n. Cave.
empré v. To sink or fall.
en– pre. In the middle of the moment; an ongoing action (used with verbs).
enakonoví a. Monthly.
énaloté v. To constitute.
énalotí a. Constituent.
énamoe n. Salt used as a seasoning.
énamorí a. Salty.
endíkté (mí kyete) v. To penalize.
endíktéo n. Penalty.
–eneí suf. Present participle suffix; ~ing (V to A).
eneme n. Dimension.
éngéllo n. Levy on travellers; fee; fine; tax; tariff; fare.
énikivé v. To adhere (to faith or ideology).
énikúé v. To consolidate; to group up.
enindé v. To dance with someone, generally for celebratory or congratulatory purposes.
eñkané v. To indicate.
eñkanezru n. Indicator.
eñkanía n. Indication.
enohé v. To moderate; to stay with something and oversee it.
enohekhtía n. Moderation; oversight.
énokhu n. Eagerness; willingness.
énome n. Sodium.
énompéta n. Chickpea.
enotalu n. Nowadays; contemporary times; right now; the middle of now.
énotona n. Olive.
enraué v. To coo or chirp, usually for inquisitive or compassionate reasons.
énsallapía n. Mica.
ént– pre. Eleven.
entalu n. Meantime; time that is available because something else is happening.
Éntanova n. November, the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
énte n. The digit 11.
ente n. The short E vowel.
enteté v. To live something, such as one's dreams or a particular lifestyle.
entinu n. Relic, prize, heirloom.
entrúé v. To look at.
envenakoya adv. Overnight.
enviko n. Mode; state or condition entered voluntarily; current fashion or style.
enzé v. (Oksí Lilitika) Progressive auxiliary verb.
enzé (2) v. (Rare) To focus on.
enzeméú adv. Moreover.
enzí a. Only.
enzighu n. Certainty.
enzigí a. Certain.
enzigya adv. Certainly.
enzikasé v. To be seized by doubt or emptiness following the discrediting of a belief; aporia.
enzúbé v. (with dative) To give focus to.
enzúkhe n. Over-emphasis; bias.
eplínu n. Oil or fat.
epoé v. To bind or tie.
epoedí a. Bound; tied.
epogalona n. Corncob.
epogansethúmba n. Bread containing corn and milk.
epogodtona n. Nut.
epokúgreshé v. To experience a spinal chill.
epombalo n. Armor.
eponé v. To enclose.
eponedí thelipelía n. Greenhouse.
eponedíu n. Prisoner; inmate; detainee.
eponekiko n. Pedagogy, or the praxis of child-rearing philosophy.
eponekío n. Upbringing, education.

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