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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
íantrúkí a. Optimistic; looking upward.
íanúbide n. Boost.
íanzhané v. To cultivate; to mould upward.
íätake n. Eventuality, something inevitable.
Íatara n. Yatrin, one of the two species that comprise the Yatrin and Iatosp, a civilization native to the KHTX Expanse.
Íatôsa n. Iatosp, one of the two species that comprise the Yatrin and Iatosp, a civilization native to the KHTX Expanse.
ibediku n. Water current.
ibedossa n. Ocean.
ibedossalí a. Naval.
ibedrí a. Damp.
ibedu n. Water.
ibegé v. To swim.
ibezríu n. Irrigation ditch.
–ibístu suf. System of societal control (N to N).
idaladí a. Unreported, unchronicled.
–idathé suf. To render a work of art about something (N to V).
ídé v. To vote for.
idemé v. To earn.
idemeneí a. Earning; working; profitable.
idemessu n. Earnings; gains; profits.
idhaledí a. Unreported, unchronicled.
idhalí a. From a story; literary.
idhé v. To depict.
idhikalí a. Literary; of the style of literature.
idhinalí a. Literary; from literature.
idhoremoto n. Spycraft; methods for conducting espionage.
idhorepiko n. Espionage.
–idhu suf. Account, description, image, or record of ~ (N to N).
–idtu suf. Point of, element within, thing of (N to N).
idzhé v. To put; to give; to yield; to surrender; to render; to dispense.
idzhedí okhu n. Emotional projection; assigning one's feelings to another.
idzhemí a. Eligible.
idzhobé v. To sacrifice.
idzhú conj. FPIC particle; left argument is equivalent to the right argument.
íé conj. FPIC particle; left argument is associated with the right argument.
Íesopelía n. Christmas.
iféya adv. Want to; see ifez-.
ifez– pre. Want: the subject is compelled by desire to carry out the modified verb.
ifilarí a. Intriguing.
ifilé v. To want; to require by desire.
ifilekhtalí shiwezríe n. Reason why something is appealing.
ifilení kotopu n. Imperative full-stop.
ifilighu n. Longing.
ifilisúu n. Poem of longing.
ifísé v. To indulge [another].
iflu n. Flaw.
iflúkwíu n. Flaw-giver; scourge.
ifopa n. Constant, depressing rain.
ighanflazu n. Biological term for Pesene.
ighé v. To think.
ighekwíu n. Intellectual.
ighelé v. To intend.
ighelianí a. Cognitive; involving the functions of the brain.
ighifoí a. Cognitive; involving complex thoughts.
ighifora n. Mentor.
ighiko n. Ideology.
ighikoní a. Ideological.
ighinení illerine n. Linguistics.
ighinení illeru n. Language; the product of organized thought.
ighithíu n. Rational mind (literally, thought-maker).
ighiverekwía n. Analyst.
ighnotu n. Sensibility; worldview; spirit; outlook.
ighokhaité v. To maintain an obsession by revisiting a thought.
Ighokhéa n. The goddess of obsession.
ighokhepé v. To obsess; to take on an obsession.
ighokhu n. Obsession.
ighu n. Thought.
ighurí a. Sentient.
–iheshkí suf. That which gets ~ed (aorist) (V to A).
ikanína n. Cult or group built around an ideology.
ikasogé v. To mimic the writing style of another.
ikesso n. Consequence of Iko, a variety of étava overlapping with the notion of a stía.
ikidu n. Disciple, adherent.
ikildto n. Norm; ideologically consistent default; practice from established methodology.
ikimato n. Street or hallway intersection.
Iko n. Civilization, especially as a means to achieving Saäzede; contrast fopaza and Natoïko.
iksa n. The short I vowel.
iksaré v. To put into practice habitually (to be a practitioner).
iksúa n. Dismay.
–iku suf. The method of ~; the style of ~; the way of ~ (N to N).
iku (2) n. Way; approach; style; method; trajectory; course.
–ikúé suf. To make into ~ (N to V).
íkwalitopé v. Reversal of ownership, a literary trope.
íkwesaré v. To own, to carry out the business of owning.
íkwu n. Owner.
il conj. FPIC particle; right argument owns left argument.
íla n. Eel, slug, or water-snake.
ilakhtí a. Typical.
ilaltes pm. Later; in the future.
ilaltu n. Sequential future.
ílantekí a. Meaningful.
ílarobí a. Appealing, desirable (reflecting a judgement by the speaker).
ildru n. Any system of ideas: religion, paradigm, philosophy, ideology, theory, customs, laws, etc.
–ildu suf. Bearer; carrier; supporter (N to N).
ílé v. To need or want (archaic).
ilede n. Desire.
ileké v. To attain.
íleksí a. Desired; appealing; sought after (reflecting the opinion of someone being discussed).
ílemía n. Need; necessity.
ílesta n. Sexual fetish.

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