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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
nahaponezría n. Professional cleaner; maid; public sanitation worker.
nahaponí a. Cleansed, restored.
naí enc. (Rokéa II argolect) When combined with the progressive verb form, marks the future tense for matters of certainty; usually translated as 'shall'.
nai conj. Not; generally used to join a pair of nouns or verbs.
nairezyé v. To skim along an edge.
nairu n. Edge, fringe.
naití a. Recent.
Naití Kaladonía n. New Caledonia.
Naití Ossalía n. New Zealand.
naitwidhúzría n. Professional news carrier; crier.
nakleté v. To put cracks in something; to make something crack.
nakletu n. Crack, especially in paint or metal; also a gap between two things that should fit together tightly.
nakligha n. Psychotic frenzy.
nakozoka n. Fear of rejection or refutation.
nakwu n. Actor.
nakyeré v. To use consonance.
naluré v. To linger.
namaté v. To divorce; to split; to de-unionize; to retreat; to break up; (of a group) to dissolve; to go separate ways.
nambo n. Moisturiser.
namelgé v. To displace.
namelgekíu n. Displacement.
Namibía n. Namibia.
namúdura n. Ambulance.
namúka n. Nurse; informal form of natomúrekwía.
namúka natkekwis n. Doctor specializing in treatment of the body; surgeon (formal).
namúkaní a. Clinical.
namúkelía n. Clinic.
namúreneí démano n. Plan to fix mistakes; plan of restoration; plan of reform.
namúrúku n. Vaccine or cure.
nanabedekwía n. Plumber.
nanteppa n. Demon.
napahé v. To be bathed.
napeplithé v. To arrange words or clauses to build down from a climax.
napezo n. Soap.
naponekhtía n. Liberation.
naponesso n. Liberty.
naprônekía n. Admission that something is true.
naprônekía thelanis n. Admission of a fact about oneself.
napsteké v. To gut; to disembowel; to clean a carcass.
napthelé v. To bathe.
nara l'onu n. Sightline; gaze.
narebé v. To align; to line up.
narebéo n. Layout.
narekhtí a. Linear.
narezí a. Not more.
nargéu n. Lever.
narhové v. To delete; to cross out.
narika n. Tour guide; escort; maze-navigator.
nariké v. To navigate a claustrophobic maze; to find a path.
narikekhtía n. The art of navigating a disorienting, crowded space, (usually specific).
narséu n. Rod.
narsinéa n. Framework; scaffolding.
naru n. Line.
narúgwéu n. Piston.
nasarasé v. To disrupt; to wrinkle.
nashíú conj. Or; generally used to join clauses.
nashíú-azeltopeklitré v. To use paradiastole ending in a negative.
nashíú-kaztopeklitré v. To use paradiastole ending in an affirmative.
nashú conj. Or; generally used to join clauses.
nasíú conj. Or; generally used to join a pair of nouns or verbs.
nasodé v. To close.
nassekona n. The literary essence of the personal confession.
nastré v. To depopulate; to genocide.
nasú conj. Or; generally used to join a pair of nouns or verbs.
nasu n. Tolkienian human, very specifically only used to refer to the humans of Middle-earth.
nat pm. Minus; except; but.
nataksí a. Irregular; inconsistent.
nataksúé v. To make irregular or deregulate.
natalémané v. To lose objectivity with regards to a coworker due to romantic entanglement.
naté conj. Not; generally used to join clauses.
nateponé v. To liberate; to grant freedom; to expose from a shell.
natetiforí a. Fatal; enabling the deprivation of life.
natheksí a. Destructive.
natí shéma n. The ς-shaped SH consonant, reintroduced from Oksirapho.
natí zhode n. The ς-shaped ZH consonant, modelled after natí shéma.
natí zúla n. The ς-shaped Z consonant, modelled after natí shéma.
natidzhé v. To remove.
natíú conj. Exclusive-or; generally used to join clauses.
natka n. Doctor specializing in treatment of the body; surgeon (informal).
natké v. To expose; to spread.
natkorré v. To reject or deny a claim (without absolute authority).
nato– pre. Indicates a verb is being undone or cancelled out.
natoflasu n. Thumb.
Natoïko n. Violent anarchy; universal failure state wherein the stasrintshéa run rampant (Venika jargon.)
natomoïlkúekía n. Atrophy.
natomokía n. Atrophy; shortened from natomoïlkúekía.
natomúrekwía n. Travelling nurse (formal), a type of social worker with medical training that comprised the majority of the civil service and also carried messages.
natonúí a. Slippery; slick.
natopíé v. To unlock.
natosarobí a. Reversible.
natoseté v. To vomit.
natoseteneí a. Bulimic; unable to retain solid food.
natosetoma n. Mineral acid; more specifically the non-water component of a mineral acid.
natré v. To separate.
natredí a. Of cleanly-separated, discrete elements; unlike azhofarí, they may be further divisible.
natrúshiwé v. To make something disappear.
natrúthé v. To disappear.
natshíré v. To skip conjunctions; figuratively, to think quickly.
natú conj. Exclusive-or; generally used to join clauses.
natu n. Eraser.

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