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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
natu (2) n. Act which cancels another.
natú– (2) pre. Negative.
natúazé v. To filter.
natúé v. To subtract or remove.
natúekto n. Deficit.
natúekwía riñkilis n. Waste remover; any job that should be highly paid to offset its unpleasantness.
natúkí a. Exceptional.
natúkía n. Exception.
natúlí a. Unusual, exotic.
natúloé v. To erase.
natúmúré v. To heal.
natya adv. Undo; see nato-.
natzé v. To disturb; to imbalance a steady state.
natzeyeté v. To disrupt a steady state; written more commonly as natzé.
navreponekía n. Exposure to the elements, or the vacuum of space, leading to hypothermia and other maladies.
navrí a. Insufficient.
navrí eponekío n. Inadequate training, mothering, upbringing, schooling, etc.
navúbé v. To mumble unclearly.
nazaré v. To remove a part, especially of a plant; to pluck a fruit.
nazelamé v. To divorce.
nazgarlé v. To pluck a fruit, root a carrot, or otherwise take a plant or part of a plant.
nazgé v. To pull.
nazgru n. Pull-strength.
nazhofine n. Coalition.
neiptu n. Note.
neiptúkwía n. Scribe; data recorder.
neitildtino n. Documentation; records.
neitizzu n. Notebook.
neitu n. Book; database.
neitúbé v. To establish or lay out premises or agreed-upon facts.
neitúbé (2) v. (with dative) To attribute or ascribe to.
nekofíu n. Coffin.
nendí a. Net.
nenúdí a. Net.
nenúé v. To total up accounts of sums and deficits.
nepíté v. To linger.
neplaté v. (with hedes + dative) To draw a distinction or differentiate in a specified manner.
neppaé v. To harass.
neppaekhtía n. Harassment.
neprísé v. To concede to a demand.
nepríseka n. Concession to a demand.
nepro n. Meat.
nept– pre. After.
neptaré v. To recover.
neptarlé v. To recover (an object, situation, or status).
Neptarléa n. The goddess of protection and the shepardess of the dead.
neptarledzhe n. The study of the afterlife, Neptarlekína.
neptarlekhtíu n. Security.
Neptarlekína n. Afterlife.
neptarlemekta n. Morality; literally, worthiness for Salvation.
neptarlemí a. Moral; becoming of someone not destined for Purgatory.
neptarleshé v. To die.
neptavahé v. To die.
neptebu n. Grain alcohol, such as beer.
neptedíu n. Casualty.
neptegé v. To follow.
neptégemo n. Directory.
nepteglo n. Legacy.
neptera n. Gravemarker.
neptes pm. After.
neptetíu n. Descendant; offspring.
neptidu n. Person in the afterlife; dead person.
neptiké v. To supersede (to replace something with what comes after it).
neptilu n. Petrichor, the smell of plants after rain.
neptímé v. To ensue.
neptíyé v. To interpret evidence left behind, especially in an archaeological or forensic context.
neptíyekíu n. Interpretation of clues or events.
neptlítu n. Suffix.
neptríñkolro n. Meat.
neptrúekhu n. Ghost or doppelganger.
neptsafé v. To inquire.
neptsalkzé v. To murder.
neptshemo n. Aftermath.
neptshingu n. Stipend, allowance, welfare, or any other guaranteed income or public aid money.
neptshúaní a. Eerie.
neptwizé v. To drive or otherwise guide from behind.
nethovéu n. Lewd grin.
nethu n. Magenta; dreaminess or foggy-headed lustiness.
netshí a. Eerie.
néú m. Shortened form of núéú.
néúneí a. Mutually exclusive.
nezhu n. Caretaker.
–ní suf. Genitive (N to A.) Equivalent to -'s in English.
Nípponno n. Japan.
niska n. Cave system.
niskebé v. To build a structure in a cavern.
nisko n. Inhabited cavern; city or building complex within such a cavern.
níta n. The N consonant.
nitoru n. Odour, especially a sweet or fruity one.
nitú conj. Exclusive-or; generally used to join a pair of nouns or verbs.
níyú adv. Even ~; one might go so far as to say ~; perhaps maybe ~.
nizzu n. Quality; attribute.
no– pre. As nato + lú(n); used before a consonant.
nodtalúbé v. To moan.
nodtí a. Dull; uneven.
noezí a. Not only.
nohé v. To stay.
nohekí a. Persistent.
nohenai adv. Persistently.
noheneí a. Unchanging; constant; persisting.

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