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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
anozé v. To distinguish.
anozíu n. Distinction.
ansaré v. To execute [a plan].
ansarekíu n. Execution [of a plan].
ansepa n. Milk; without qualification, human breast-milk.
ansepezheté v. To nurture.
ansethúmba n. Milk-bread, implied to contain no grain other than wheat.
antekso n. Glans penis.
anthrabu n. Biological term for human of Cossipian stock.
anthropa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
anthru n. Human.
Antíkwa hé Barvada n. Antigua and Barbuda.
antu n. Peak or cap; apex.
anzhofé v. To renew love (for someone).
ap– pre. Equivalent to "in ~ing/ment" (V to PM) prepositional phrases.
ap' proc. (with verb) Creates a particle modifier indicating an ongoing activity in the middle voice.
apapa n. Biological father.
apata n. Biological father.
apefí a. Without beginning; especially used of timeless traditions or phenomena.
apefía n. Eternity; all time until now.
apefída n. Instinct.
apefídina n. Innate knowledge; instinct.
apekaré v. To create a work specifically for performance by, or the image of, a particular muse or model.
apekilé v. To devote or dedicate work to a patron or muse.
apelí a. Local; native; not Lilitic.
aperine n. Midst.
aperines pm. In theory.
apes pm. Within (implying a non-hollow container).
apidzhé v. To insert.
apidzhé (2) v. To contribute.
apidzhekhtíu n. Contribution.
apidzhezríu n. Contributor.
apilkúé v. Incorporate.
apilles pm. In principle.
apintiké v. To swap the syllables of a single word as wordplay.
apodra n. Disobedience or lack of faith in leadership; faith in libertarianism.
apogé v. To enter.
apokhes pm. In spirit, intention, or feeling.
apola n. General dysphoria; withdrawal from pleasure.
apolí a. Local, native, not Lilitic.
aponarí a. Gross; disagreeably large or numerous.
aporafu n. Alien language.
aporaitekwía n. Diplomat; translator; polyglot.
apostekes pm. In the flesh.
apote n. Vestibule.
apoué v. To embed.
apozelines pm. In reality/practice.
apshúé v. To cultivate; to inspire.
apshúessa n. Inspiration.
apté v. To incur.
Aratshai n. The Artshin, a brane in the KHTX Expanse; always plural (Classical form).
Aratshasa n. The Artshin, a brane in the KHTX Expanse; always plural (Archaic form).
Aratshi n. The Artshin, a brane in the KHTX Expanse; always plural (late Lilitika form).
ardzhu n. Physical space or capacity.
aré v. To take.
–arekhtu suf. ~-ability (V to N); the degree or extent to which something can be ~ed.
aremé v. To forage or scavenge.
aresekhta n. Insomnia.
aresekía n. Futile sleep; sleep that brings no rest; the state of having experienced such.
arezyarí a. Delicate; untouchable.
arlé v. To take.
arlemé v. To happen upon and take; to scavenge; to forage.
–arobé suf. To be able to be ~ed (V to V).
–arobí suf. Able to be ~ed (V to A.)
aromanillo n. Temporary notion; experimental idea; assumption.
arotidtu n. Personal experiment; a change or variation in one's habits for the sake of novelty or exploration.
arotiku n. Experimentalism; more casual term than alerotémaniku.
asa Atshaflai faltúbé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To give music from the stars; to recite a prophecy to a supplicant.
asa Atshaklai tset lai dze trúis dzafé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To ask of the stars what they see; to make a cymatospicy consultation.
asa Bahamasa n. The Bahamas.
asa Lizeliníasa n. The Federated States of Micronesia.
asa Maldívéasa n. The Maldives.
asa Mashalíasa n. The Marshall Islands.
asa Venetríasa n. The Netherlands.
asaité v. To take something secretly; to nab.
asañgé v. To halt; go no closer.
asañkwé v. To isolate.
asanlí a. Isolated.
asanlivía n. Isolation.
asaraví a. Adverse, unsmooth, uncomfortable.
asarlu n. Inability.
asighé v. To sneak.
asithu n. Silence.
asothahé v. To freeze.
Assêría n. Assyria or Syria.
asterru n. Human of Telaian stock.
asúkavéa n. Inequality.
asúkavehedí a. Inadequate for a particular task; see hedí.
asúkorí a. Inadequate.
atalí a. Never occurring.
atalu n. Never.
atapa n. Biological father.
atata n. Biological father.
até v. (Oksí Lilitika) Perfective auxiliary verb.
atebé v. To halt; to cease walking.
ateleru n. Seedling.
Atetalía n. Childhood, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
atetí a. Young.
atetidzhekwía n. Motherer, the formal designation within the Lilitic jobs system for a woman caring for her own children in the normal way, akin to someone on mandatory maternity leave.
atetikai adv. Childishly.

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