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Laní Ethika
Nouns III
The -e declension
Like the -a declension, the -e declension loosely maps to a gender—the neuter—and can also contain feminine nouns. The forms are more distinct, however, and the set of feminine nouns that fall under the -e pattern is much smaller.

Neuter nouns ending in -ú

These include:
  • Mundane objects which are too simple, basic, or bland to inspire recognition of nature or artifice (e.g. dust, sand, mucus, an insignificant moment in time)
  • Individuals or animals of ambiguous gender (e.g. a stranger seen from a distance, a stray cat)
  • Creations (with no clear gender cues) that lack an owner (e.g. a lost key)

  • Feminine nouns ending in -é

    These include:
  • Certain feminine names—treat grammatically as fully female (use a-declension pronouns and articles)
  • Neuter objects possessed by females (see Nouns II) which must be contrasted with an inherently feminine version of the same (e.g. her bowl with a cup)—treat grammatically as neuter (use e-declension pronouns and articles)
  • Weakly feminine phenomena (e.g. the darkness of an unlit room) which are natural but not expressions of nature—treat grammatically as neuter (use e-declension pronouns and articles)

  • Forming an e-declension noun

    Follow the procedure for stem formation specified in the previous chapter. In the dictionary, e-declension nouns are shown as ending in -e, and remember not to confuse -ú with -u; the latter form is only shown in the dictionary.

    n.this does-ai-ei this-(a)né-(e)nai-enú-(e)nei
    ab.from this-(e)vé-(e)vin-(e)vú-(a)vin this-es-(e)sai-es-(e)sei this-(e)ké-(e)kai-(e)kú-(e)kei
    g.of this-ení-iní-elí-ilí
    n. this-(e)hé-(a)hai-(e)hé-(e)hei
    a. c.make into this-(a)nhé-(e)nhai-(e)nhé-(e)nhei
    i.with this-(e)wé-(e)wai-(e)wú-(e)wei
    e.since this-(e)pes-(e)pes-(e)pes-(e)pes
    tem.during this-(e)té-(e)ltai-(e)tú-(e)ltei
    term.until this-(e)kes-(e)kes-(e)kes-(e)kes

    * Include the y when following a vowel.

    There is, again, a version of this table with the duplicates removed in the reference grammar; you may find this easier to memorize instead, as it highlights repeated forms. (But note that it is organized differently.)


    -ehabe (unlit darkness)mileme (glass)
    n.this doeshabéhabaimilemúmilemei thishabanéhabenaimilemenúmilemenei
    ab.from thishabevéhabevinmilemevúmilemavin thishabeshabesaimilemesmilemesei thishabekéhabekaimilemekúmilemekei
    g.of thishabeníhabinímilemelímilemilí
    n. thishabehéhabahaimilemehémilemehei
    a. c.make into thishabanhéhabenhaimilemenhémilemenhei
    i.with thishabewéhabewaimilemewúmilemewei
    e.since thishabepeshabepesmilemepesmilemepes
    tem.during thishabetéhabeltaimilemetúmilemeltei
    term.until thishabekeshabekesmilemekesmilemekes

    Remember again from Nouns II and Basics I the nominative complement forms have a silent vowel at the start, which is not written nor spoken in Lilitika and has only been included for legibility in this table.


    Memorize the following feminine nouns:
  • habe: darkness of an unlit place (e.g. a room)
  • henweste: glove or boot
  • greñksite: mask
  • podte: toy
  • azide: voice
  • aiteke: gift
  • karipe: palette
  • lúdaire: paint bottle
  • fertove: easel
  • udzhove: reading desk

  • Memorize the following neuter nouns:
  • le: it (mundane neuter)
  • mileme: glass (material)
  • haire: small bowl
  • ilede: desire
  • reghe: grass or reeds
  • senerave: limit
  • solwikse: day (unit of time)
  • tsheke: disagreement
  • verede: counting bead
  • zíbere: correction
  • zeltere: tofu

  • Memorize the following ungendered nouns:
  • illu: idea
  • stu: person
  • stiptu: child
  • koisu: home
  • klegu: bone
  • zholu: hand
  • fídu: neck
  • slokdtabu: slave
  • thelu: self
  • lobíu: tool

  • Exercises

    1. Form the following in Lilitika using the e-declension (ignore "the"):
      • from the paint bottle
      • until the correction
      • with the people
      • since the desire
      • its
      • the person's
      • to the slaves
      • from home
      • at the grass
      • with the toy
      • during the disagreement
      • the bones

    2. Translate the following into English:
      • veredenei
      • stewú
      • karipiní
      • fertovevé
      • iledetú
      • lobíemes
      • illenhai

    3. Classify the following as feminine, natural, neuter, feminized neuter, or undeterminable without context:
      • illai
      • podtekes
      • mokal'vin (mokalvavin)
      • siní
      • tshekepes
      • klegenhei
      • zíberemes
      • theles
      • sinovin