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Structure of the Wanisinese Military

Organizational Units

Lito (Squad) - consists of 12 geili (soldiers), particularly the Mito (first officer) and Leno (second officer). Each geilo has a rank within the squad, allowing for total certainty in the order of succession. Typical Wanisinese vehicles are designed to hold factors or multiples of a lito, e.g. 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, or 24 seats; thus, armoured units are counted by number of individual staff. In the specific case of 6-seat vehicles, liti are replaced with Hiliti (half-squads), and each has a single leader, the Himito (half-officer.) In both liti and hiliti, an exact line of succession is established between individual geili.

Stasro (Company) - consists of 12 liti. The first officer of the stasro is the Mevo, who is also the Mito of the first lito. The first lito is generally managed by its Leno. If a Mevo falls in battle, the line of succession dictates that the first lito becomes the last lito, and the second is bumped up to the first. This ensures that soldiers with leadership experience are promoted to take charge of stasri first. For armoured stasri consisting of 24 hiliti instead, the line of succession for the title of mevo is expanded to be from the 24 himiti.

Galo (Battalion) - consists of 3 stasri, one Apero (overseer), two Laperi (second overseers), and three Yessi (adjutants). Each yessa dispatches orders to a given stasro, and the laperi stand to provide backup for the apero in the event one stasro requires special tactical attention. Yessa is the lowest commissioned officer rank; laperi are promoted from mevi, and aperi from laperi. The apero is the highest rank a non-commissioned officer can achieve; the fact that yessi are beneath them is something of a hazing ritual, and a mild source of humiliation.

Atva (Regiment) - consists of 4 gali, one Nizo (station officer), three Koiperi (overseer-transitioners), four Legessi (over-adjutants), and four sitemi yessi (signal adjutants.) Sitemi yessi are specially trained; legessi are promoted from yessi, koiperi from legessi, and nizi from koiperi.

Atvi are sometimes grouped into factors of 24, generically called Litavi or Pentiogi: Lenava (2), Raitava (3), Kotava (4), Tanava (6), or Sulava (8). In these cases, the nizi usually use horizontal succession to elect a leader, the Talnizo, although as talnizi are often needed, nizi with past talnizo experience may be transplanted from unrelated atvi to fill the role.

Tioga (Corps) - consists of 24 atvi, one Kenizo (greater Nizo), three Tenizo (apprenticing Nizi), eight Tigessi (corps-adjutants), and twelve sitemi legessi (signal over-adjutants.) Tigessi and sitemi legessi are promoted from legessi and sitemi yessi, respectively. Tenizi are promoted from nizi (usually experienced talnizi) and may occasionally be put in charge of a litava if experienced talnizi are in short supply. Successful tenizi are ultimately promoted to kenizi.

Vomuda (Army) - consists of 4 tiogi, one Sabtizo (gloried Nizo), one Hisabtizo (lieutenant Sabtizo), four Salkizi (avaricious Nizi), two Kelessi (greater adjutants), eight Vogessi (army-adjutants), four sitemi tigessi (signal corps adjutants), and four sitemi hitigessi (signal half-corps adjutants). Sitemi legessi are promoted to sitemi hitigessi to fill need, and sitemi tigessi from sitemi hitigessi. Usually sitema operators progress vertically and remain responsible for the tioga they originated from. Kelessi are promoted from vogessi, who are promoted from tigessi; two vogessi per tioga, not necessarily promoted vertically. Kenizo -> Salkizo -> Hisabtizo -> Sabtizo

Manazo (Command) - consists of X vomudi, one Kelsabtizo (great Sabtizo), X Hikezi (half-Kelsabtizi), X kelvogessi (grand army-adjutants), and 2X sitemi vogessi (signal army-adjutants). Hikezi and Sabtizi have a 1:1 correspondence and are generally close, with the current Sabtizo of a vomuda typically being the current Hikezo's former Hisabtizo.

Balitro Salkzan (Ministry of Power) - the Kelsabtizo is the third-highest rank in the Ministry, after Hibalo (vice-minister) and Balo (minister). The number of vomudi varies based on need and production, as do the number of manazi. At any given time, some number of kelsabtizi are undeployed and remain at the strategic command office in Sur'daro. There are also top-ranking adjutants and signal-adjutants, the Lergalsa and the Sitemi Lergalsa, who both report to the Hibalo. There is no signal equivalent to the kelvogessa.


Vomuda < ? oksirapho
Pentioga < pensí tioga
Talnizo < talekeví + nizo
Tigessa < tioga + legessa
Tenizo < tenks- + nizo
Kenizo < kel + nizo
Tioga < tyog-
Himiti < híeles + mito
Hilito < híeles + lito
sitemi < sithembe
Koipero < koines + apero
Legessa < leres + yessa
Nizo < fneidzhro
Atva < atvôd-
Yessa < galsai
Lapero < leneví apostekí trúezrío
Apero < apostekí trúezrío
Galo < glostahé (march) + galu/galutre
geilo < geglokezrío
Lito < litru
Mito < mítevo
Leno < lenevo
Mevo < mítevo
Stasro < stasra-litru

Soldier Counts

Lito - 12
Stasro - 144
Galo - 438
Atva - 1764
Tioga - 42360, including 41472 geili
Vomuda - 169464


geilo > leno > mito > mevo > lapero > apero >|
yessa > legessa > tigessa > vogessa > kelvogessa > lergalsa
        legessa > koipero > nizo > talnizo > tenizo > kenizo > salkizo > hisabtizo > sabtizo > hikezo > kelsabtizo > hibalo > balo > hakrodeklo il mitraje wanisinon
sitemi yessa > s. legessa > s. tigessa > s. vogessa > s. lergalsa

Rank Equivalents

geilo - OR-1, private
leno - OR-4, corporal
himito - OR-5, master corporal
mevo - OR-6, sergeant
lapero - OR-7, warrant officer
apero - OR-9, chief warrant officer

(s.) yessa - OF-1, junior adjutant
(s.) legessa - OF-1, senior adjutant
(s.) tigessa - OF-2, adjutant captain
(s.) vogessa - OF-3, adjutant major
kelvogessa - OF-5, adjutant colonel
(s.) lergalsa - OF-7, major adjutant general

koipero - OF-4, lieutenant colonel
nizo - OF-5, colonel
talnizo - OF-5, senior colonel
tenizo - OF-6, junior brigadier
kenizo - OF-6, senior brigadier
salkizo - OF-7, major general
hisabtizo - OF-8, lieutenant general
sabtizo - OF-8, general
hikezo - OF-9, senior general
kelsabtizo - OF-10, general of the army
hibalo - OF-10, grand marshal
balo - vice-CiC
hakrodeklo - CiC