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Hatel ship classes
Hatel ship classes are initially given a numeric code indicating the production facility and a non-descending serial number. After the first ship is produced of its type and selects a name for itself, the class is named after the ship. For diplomatic reasons, namesake ships are legally required to use short and inoffensive names. They may change their names later, but this does not affect the name of the class. Classes are only renamed under extraordinary circumstances.

Ship classes each belong to a ship category. This is a short name that suggests the role of a class and its size, and is often (although not always) comprehensible to a layperson. There are approximately one hundred known ship categories in use. Many older vehicles from the time of the Hatelese Republic have never been assigned a class or category.

Category MCC¹ EVACC² Classes³ Role
basestar 10,000 10,000,000 Dymaxion, Bottomless, Sideshow Mobile base of operations for sector-scale theatre actions
general vehicle 500 200,000 Messier, Escher, Anatoly Dyatlov, Lemon, Lada, Terrace Self-sufficient long-range exploration craft
flagship 6000 1,000,000 Ann Druyan, Economy, Second, Braggart, Hubris Multi-role main combat platform
host ship 600 800,000 Tedium, Narcissus Hotel ship (conferences, live concerts, long-distance travel, celebrations, etc.)
ring station 20,000 900,000,000 n/a Permanent space habitat
picket 0 200 Harmless, Innocuous, Frivolous, White, Pocket Small, manoeuvrable combat vehicle
tactical element 0 3500 Obstacle, Barbarian, Queasy, Inconvenient, Bulk Heavily-armoured combat craft expected to draw fire and hold territory
force projection platform 0 500 Unsolicited, Twig, Impending Hangover, Indelicate, Point-and-Shoot, Spawncamper Low-mobility vehicle with maximized firepower
technical craft 100 200 Pocket Protector, Salutatorian, Under-Achiever, Percussive Maintenance Engineering craft, usually based on pickets with some weapons swapped out for mission-specific gear (detection, mine-laying, etc.)

¹ Maximum allowed minimum crew complement
² Minimum allowed evacuation capacity
³ Only classes currently in widespread use near Thet are listed. Thousands of Hatel Commonwealth ship types exist, and no one database contains an exhaustive list.