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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged people:

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trído n. Civilised foreigner.
tríoksu n. Landlord.
tshí-namúka n. Courier or crier, a specific type of namúka.
tshildu n. Performer or model; an artist of the self.
tshínarúza n. Messenger.
tsoigloksna n. Tletketti (biological term and Ksreskézaian slur).
túraka n. Flock; herd; congregation; crowd; thronging masses of an overpopulated space.
úblu n. Android, especially a Telaian replicant.
vammu n. Close friend; confidante.
vanekwíu n. Business manager.
vanshúrektu n. Humanity; ethicalness; soulfulness; spirituality; empathy; hope.
veñgeloza n. Guerilla.
ventrúka n. Inspector.
vépta n. Wretch; impish person; miserable little being.
víglestu n. Sex performed as payment for services or goods; sex as currency; sexual bribery.
víglúzu n. Patron; customer; client.
vimítru n. For-profit organisation.
vintshu n. Employee.
vístekwíu n. Business owner.
voizía n. Labyridean.
waltaza n. Messenger, not necessarily professionally employed but often carrying reports from professional journalists.
waltúbezría n. Someone reporting the news but not professionally trained in journalism, such as a primary source or a biased hack (potentially derogatory).
wemnohedíu n. Criminal; convict; prisoner; inmate.
widhrúkwíu n. Historian.
wistaría n. Orientation; personal tastes; tendencies; essential character; biases of a person.
wonedektu n. Fame of someone widely-known.
yedhúkwíu n. Columnist; one who regularly provides stories to a periodical.
yeñgé v. To migrate.
yeñgekhtu n. Migration.
yentalé v. To occupy [a person's time].
yônillu n. Dimwit, idiot, or fool.
Zadzha n. Zaqjin, a species and civilization native to the KHTX Expanse.
zallu n. Travelling companion.
zekellesso n. Magnificence.
zekellí a. Magnificent; touched by greatness.
zellúkwíaní a. Judicial; of a judge.
zelnagendeshu n. Biological term for human of Rotomem stock; specifically meaning 'those who were captured'.
Zelrotomemí a. Of the culture of the Rotomemi.
Zelrotomeminu n. The culture of the Rotomemi.
Zelrotomemu n. Individual from the Rotomem culture.
zeltútshu n. Gender, especially Lilitic gender.
zepna n. Jury.
zhofedinu n. Faction; shard; splinter group.
zígembé v. To place trust in someone making a promise; usually used with leaders.
zígíté v. To react to a state of leaderlessness; usually to choose a new leader; compare zílúgíté when the leader is absent or ineffective.
zoklitru n. Mob; angry bunch.
zokurinu n. Mob; those who are angry.
zúseftu n. Heterozygotic twin or multiple.
Zúvalo n. Pzuubvaal, a species and civilization native to the KHTX Expanse.

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