(aba–ald) (ald–alí) (alí–alt) (alt–and) (and–asa) (asa–bap) (bar–bos) (bos–dem) (den–dúr) (dúr–édh) (édh–ekh) (ekh–éna) (end–eri) (erí–evm) (evn–fer) (fer–fu) (fúb–gen) (gen–gôn) (gon–hay) (hé–ían) (ían–ild) (ild–íoi) (íom–kar) (kar–kel) (kel–ken) (ken–khr) (khr–kla) (kla–kôr) (kos–kye) (kye–len) (lén–lib) (lib–loz) (lú–man) (man–mes) (mes–mít) (mít–moz) (mu–nak) (nak–nat) (nat–noh) (noh–oks) (oks–ozn) (pai–pol) (pol–res) (res–riv) (riv–san) (san–sef) (sek–shú) (shú–so) (soa–ste) (ste–súk) (súk–tal) (tal–ten) (ten–the) (the–top) (top–tsh) (tsh–tsh) (tsh–tuz) (túz–vem) (vem–vig) (víg–wis) (wis–yen) (yen–zel) (zel–zha) (zha–zíz) (zof–zúy)
Word of the Day: natoseteneí
a. Bulimic; unable to retain solid food.
a. Bulimic; unable to retain solid food.
ababa n. Allomother; a caregiver other than the biological mother, such as a father or other close relation, who participates in childrearing.
abama n. Allomother; a caregiver other than the biological mother, such as a father or other close relation, who participates in childrearing.
abavya adv. Without deviation; unerringly; unbendingly.
abístarí a. Uncontrollable; independent; rebellious; not able to be worked (for labour).
abizeneí a. Dysfunctional or withdrawn, suggesting depression or worry.
adazílesta n. Nudism.
adazoka n. Fear of nudity, especially hatred of one's own body-image, including dysmorphic syndrome.
adezmío n. Plug.
adía n. Breath or gentle gust of wind.
adígé v. To tug.
adíhoé v. To breathe.
adíhoé (2) v. (With dative) to breathe for; to aspire to.
adíhoení kotopu n. Punctus or list-starting colon.
adíhozo n. Jet engine.
adikade n. Mucus.
adísogeneía n. Wind-chaser, a buoyant ray-like glider animal native to Thet.
adísogezo n. Sailboat, sailing ship, or solar sail powered spacecraft.
adzheldídte n. Timestamp.
adzhrí a. Feminine.
afaikhebé v. To posture, to deliberately project a certain silhouette.
afaikhu n. Silhouette.
afdúdeza n. Abject despair; profound sense of immaterialness or worthlessness.
afeto n. Ease; easiness; simplicity.
afilé v. To desire bad things for someone; to hold in contempt.
afilokha n. Spite.
afoé v. To swallow.
afoí a. Simplistic; crude.
afoiektu n. Ease; easiness; simplicity.
afoilkúé v. To ease; to uncomplicate.
afulestokha n. Obsessive hate coloured by romantic entanglement.
agendarí a. Essential; needed; mandatory; that which cannot be done without.
ageshiwezo n. Obstacle; anchor; ballast; brakes; cork; stopper; anything that prevents undesired movement.
ahala n. The A vowel.
aharekta n. Flexibility; ability to change.
aharí a. Flexible; able to change.
ahé v. To change.
ahekíurivíe il warzine n. Particle modifier; a preposition.
ahekízoka n. Fear of change.
ahekúé v. To convert.
ahekúekía n. Conversion, naturally initiated.
ahekúekío n. Conversion, artificially initiated.
ahilika n. Activism; the praxis of seeking change in the status quo.
Aidtôko n. Iraq.
Aigípto n. Egypt.
ailekhto n. Microphone or other audio-detecting device.
ailía n. Ear canal.
ailídta n. Ear-tip.
ailílesta n. Ear fetishism.
aiteke n. Gift.
Aithíopía n. Ethiopia.
aitzelío n. Place of business (store, shop, etc.) belonging to a merchant.
aitzu n. Merchant; trader.
akanteka n. Impurity.
Akasha n. Epithet of Rostyaekía meaning "unenslaved."
Akatshova n. Monday, the second day of the Gregorian week.
akekhí a. Infinite; endless.
akekhía n. Eternity; all of the future.
akelí a. Average (in quality).
akemúra n. Disability.
akemúrilda n. Invalid; disabled person.
akhabemu n. South-East.
Akhaní Koría n. South Korea.
akhanu n. South.
akhogé v. To halt; to go no farther.
akhtía n. Outbreak (informal).
Akhúôntría n. Afghanistan.
akíbeda n. Pond (uncirculated water).
akkhía n. Outbreak (vulgar).
aklatéú adv. Nonetheless.
aklatí kedoka n. Unabated turbulence; suffering caused by inefficiency or poor organization.
akoa n. Moon.
akofama n. Reflection of a moon, usually on water.
akoneda n. Menstrual blood.
akonedubé v. To menstruate.
akonílesta n. Menstruation fetishism.
akonova n. Lunar month.
aktoné v. To present or plead an argument in front of a figure or assembly of authority; to protest on the behalf of.
aktonekwíu n. Public speaker, rhetorician, lecturer, intellectual, academic.
aktonelío n. Hearing; court session; administrative hearing; or a room or building in which such proceedings occur.
alaglaté v. To dive or swim downward.
alaifoiné v. To swallow.
alaksé v. To dip the head indicating yes or acceptance.
alaksekwíu n. Someone who nods a lot; sycophant.
alambeda n. Waterfall.
alamoké v. To deteriorate.
alamúbeda n. Waterfall of blood.
alane n. Down.
alañgé v. To go down, to descend.
alañgre n. Weight; downward pull.
alanidzhé v. To deposit.
alanteblekíu n. Descent.
alar– pre. Hundred thousands (base twelve; 12^5).
alaré v. To cease doing.
alatedai adv. Continuously; unabatedly.
alatedí a. Continuous; unabated.
alazé v. To hesitate or briefly pause.
albedé v. To be idle; to not flow; to have no work or inspiration; to be dried up (of a river).
albedekwíu n. Someone with a stalled career; professional procrastinator or idler.
aldeku n. Improvisation (in performance art).
aldekwíu n. Improvisational performer.
abama n. Allomother; a caregiver other than the biological mother, such as a father or other close relation, who participates in childrearing.
abavya adv. Without deviation; unerringly; unbendingly.
abístarí a. Uncontrollable; independent; rebellious; not able to be worked (for labour).
abizeneí a. Dysfunctional or withdrawn, suggesting depression or worry.
adazílesta n. Nudism.
adazoka n. Fear of nudity, especially hatred of one's own body-image, including dysmorphic syndrome.
adezmío n. Plug.
adía n. Breath or gentle gust of wind.
adígé v. To tug.
adíhoé v. To breathe.
adíhoé (2) v. (With dative) to breathe for; to aspire to.
adíhoení kotopu n. Punctus or list-starting colon.
adíhozo n. Jet engine.
adikade n. Mucus.
adísogeneía n. Wind-chaser, a buoyant ray-like glider animal native to Thet.
adísogezo n. Sailboat, sailing ship, or solar sail powered spacecraft.
adzheldídte n. Timestamp.
adzhrí a. Feminine.
afaikhebé v. To posture, to deliberately project a certain silhouette.
afaikhu n. Silhouette.
afdúdeza n. Abject despair; profound sense of immaterialness or worthlessness.
afeto n. Ease; easiness; simplicity.
afilé v. To desire bad things for someone; to hold in contempt.
afilokha n. Spite.
afoé v. To swallow.
afoí a. Simplistic; crude.
afoiektu n. Ease; easiness; simplicity.
afoilkúé v. To ease; to uncomplicate.
afulestokha n. Obsessive hate coloured by romantic entanglement.
agendarí a. Essential; needed; mandatory; that which cannot be done without.
ageshiwezo n. Obstacle; anchor; ballast; brakes; cork; stopper; anything that prevents undesired movement.
ahala n. The A vowel.
aharekta n. Flexibility; ability to change.
aharí a. Flexible; able to change.
ahé v. To change.
ahekíurivíe il warzine n. Particle modifier; a preposition.
ahekízoka n. Fear of change.
ahekúé v. To convert.
ahekúekía n. Conversion, naturally initiated.
ahekúekío n. Conversion, artificially initiated.
ahilika n. Activism; the praxis of seeking change in the status quo.
Aidtôko n. Iraq.
Aigípto n. Egypt.
ailekhto n. Microphone or other audio-detecting device.
ailía n. Ear canal.
ailídta n. Ear-tip.
ailílesta n. Ear fetishism.
aiteke n. Gift.
Aithíopía n. Ethiopia.
aitzelío n. Place of business (store, shop, etc.) belonging to a merchant.
aitzu n. Merchant; trader.
akanteka n. Impurity.
Akasha n. Epithet of Rostyaekía meaning "unenslaved."
Akatshova n. Monday, the second day of the Gregorian week.
akekhí a. Infinite; endless.
akekhía n. Eternity; all of the future.
akelí a. Average (in quality).
akemúra n. Disability.
akemúrilda n. Invalid; disabled person.
akhabemu n. South-East.
Akhaní Koría n. South Korea.
akhanu n. South.
akhogé v. To halt; to go no farther.
akhtía n. Outbreak (informal).
Akhúôntría n. Afghanistan.
akíbeda n. Pond (uncirculated water).
akkhía n. Outbreak (vulgar).
aklatéú adv. Nonetheless.
aklatí kedoka n. Unabated turbulence; suffering caused by inefficiency or poor organization.
akoa n. Moon.
akofama n. Reflection of a moon, usually on water.
akoneda n. Menstrual blood.
akonedubé v. To menstruate.
akonílesta n. Menstruation fetishism.
akonova n. Lunar month.
aktoné v. To present or plead an argument in front of a figure or assembly of authority; to protest on the behalf of.
aktonekwíu n. Public speaker, rhetorician, lecturer, intellectual, academic.
aktonelío n. Hearing; court session; administrative hearing; or a room or building in which such proceedings occur.
alaglaté v. To dive or swim downward.
alaifoiné v. To swallow.
alaksé v. To dip the head indicating yes or acceptance.
alaksekwíu n. Someone who nods a lot; sycophant.
alambeda n. Waterfall.
alamoké v. To deteriorate.
alamúbeda n. Waterfall of blood.
alane n. Down.
alañgé v. To go down, to descend.
alañgre n. Weight; downward pull.
alanidzhé v. To deposit.
alanteblekíu n. Descent.
alar– pre. Hundred thousands (base twelve; 12^5).
alaré v. To cease doing.
alatedai adv. Continuously; unabatedly.
alatedí a. Continuous; unabated.
alazé v. To hesitate or briefly pause.
albedé v. To be idle; to not flow; to have no work or inspiration; to be dried up (of a river).
albedekwíu n. Someone with a stalled career; professional procrastinator or idler.
aldeku n. Improvisation (in performance art).
aldekwíu n. Improvisational performer.
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