The following dictionary entries are tagged sequence:
alatedai adv. Continuously; unabatedly.
alatedí a. Continuous; unabated.
anatí a. Irreversible.
búvu n. Phase.
dekatyerí a. Prior.
dekkeví a. Former (of two options).
déklatí a. Preliminary.
dzúlerí a. Hierarchical.
dzúlero n. Hierarchy.
ekahekhtu n. Variant, alternative form, deviation, variation.
eponé v. To enclose.
étamatu n. Relationship (generic term).
étavine n. Hypothetical sequence of events proposed as an explanation or plan, or the means through which divine forces indirectly shape the world.
Etharine n. Web of interlinked causal chains.
fels– pre. Physically preceding.
felses pm. Physically preceding.
felsúeví a. Consecutive.
flévelíu n. Beginning; point of establishment.
gentalya (2) adv. Promptly.
íätake n. Eventuality, something inevitable.
ilaltu n. Sequential future.
ilta n. The temporal or sequential future (shortened).
iraltu n. Sequential past.
irta n. The temporal or sequential past (shortened).
isaltu n. Sequential present.
kekh– pre. End (when preceding a vowel).
kekhataní a. Final (as a destination).
kekhí– pre. End (when preceding a consonant).
kelmanaltí a. Of lengthy sequence; such as a long list of instructions.
kelmanalturí a. Lengthy (in sequence).
kelnaití a. Old, dated (oppose naití, new).
kels– pre. Physically behind.
kelses pm. Physically behind.
keltalikúé v. To prolong; to draw out, especially rhetorical amplification.
khogekso n. Quest.
litrelíu n. Context.
manaltí a. Of brief sequence; such as a short list of instructions.
manaltinu n. Sequence, as a dimension.
manaltu n. Sequence; ordis.
mevogé v. To originate; to have first come [from etc].
mítelíbé v. To debut.
míteví a. Primary.
mítevíya adv. Primarily.
moitiké v. To supplant (to replace with something better and more reliable).
naití a. Recent.
neptiké v. To supersede (to replace something with what comes after it).
olta n. The temporal or sequential present (shortened).
pef– pre. Start (when preceding a vowel).
pefí– pre. Start (when preceding a consonant).
reshiwé v. To necessitate.
rezziko n. Social protocols; diplomatic traditions.
rosheme n. Case, possibility.
shemu n. State or situation.
shweshé v. To be caused by.
silneito n. Catalogue.
sívidtu n. Apex; highest point; best.
sotaní a. Final (chronologically).
suntaké v. To succeed (to replace something with the next in sequence).
suntalya-ogeneí a. Forthcoming; soon-arriving.
surgé v. To go forward.
surneví a. Latter (of two options).
tatúlu n. Version, revision.
tekré v. To modulate; to alter a pattern.
tépíno n. Puzzle.
thaheke n. Outcome, result, consequence, product.
thwashofé v. To interrupt.
topeklitru n. List; ordered set.
trobidtu n. Nadir; lowest point; worst.
trúveré v. To browse; to look through a collection.
tshelgé v. To precede; to go before.
tshelvé v. To precede; to be before.
tshelvesso n. Precedent.
tshelvezríu n. Predecessor.
tshosaré v. To proceed (with a plan).
tshotaní a. First (chronologically).
verarí a. Not yet accounted for; remaining; in need of counting.
veremí a. Exceptional; outstanding; remarkable; excellent; worthy of being counted.
vézu n. Methodology; strategy.
walí (2) a. Prompt; immediate; quick.
wonedí étave n. Precedent.
yepedai adv. Continually; repeatedly.
yepedí a. Continual; repeated.
yeresaré v. To do again; to do more.
zhío– pre. Again.
zhíoeré v. To recount.
alatedí a. Continuous; unabated.
anatí a. Irreversible.
búvu n. Phase.
dekatyerí a. Prior.
dekkeví a. Former (of two options).
déklatí a. Preliminary.
dzúlerí a. Hierarchical.
dzúlero n. Hierarchy.
ekahekhtu n. Variant, alternative form, deviation, variation.
eponé v. To enclose.
étamatu n. Relationship (generic term).
étavine n. Hypothetical sequence of events proposed as an explanation or plan, or the means through which divine forces indirectly shape the world.
Etharine n. Web of interlinked causal chains.
fels– pre. Physically preceding.
felses pm. Physically preceding.
felsúeví a. Consecutive.
flévelíu n. Beginning; point of establishment.
gentalya (2) adv. Promptly.
íätake n. Eventuality, something inevitable.
ilaltu n. Sequential future.
ilta n. The temporal or sequential future (shortened).
iraltu n. Sequential past.
irta n. The temporal or sequential past (shortened).
isaltu n. Sequential present.
kekh– pre. End (when preceding a vowel).
kekhataní a. Final (as a destination).
kekhí– pre. End (when preceding a consonant).
kelmanaltí a. Of lengthy sequence; such as a long list of instructions.
kelmanalturí a. Lengthy (in sequence).
kelnaití a. Old, dated (oppose naití, new).
kels– pre. Physically behind.
kelses pm. Physically behind.
keltalikúé v. To prolong; to draw out, especially rhetorical amplification.
khogekso n. Quest.
litrelíu n. Context.
manaltí a. Of brief sequence; such as a short list of instructions.
manaltinu n. Sequence, as a dimension.
manaltu n. Sequence; ordis.
mevogé v. To originate; to have first come [from etc].
mítelíbé v. To debut.
míteví a. Primary.
mítevíya adv. Primarily.
moitiké v. To supplant (to replace with something better and more reliable).
naití a. Recent.
neptiké v. To supersede (to replace something with what comes after it).
olta n. The temporal or sequential present (shortened).
pef– pre. Start (when preceding a vowel).
pefí– pre. Start (when preceding a consonant).
reshiwé v. To necessitate.
rezziko n. Social protocols; diplomatic traditions.
rosheme n. Case, possibility.
shemu n. State or situation.
shweshé v. To be caused by.
silneito n. Catalogue.
sívidtu n. Apex; highest point; best.
sotaní a. Final (chronologically).
suntaké v. To succeed (to replace something with the next in sequence).
suntalya-ogeneí a. Forthcoming; soon-arriving.
surgé v. To go forward.
surneví a. Latter (of two options).
tatúlu n. Version, revision.
tekré v. To modulate; to alter a pattern.
tépíno n. Puzzle.
thaheke n. Outcome, result, consequence, product.
thwashofé v. To interrupt.
topeklitru n. List; ordered set.
trobidtu n. Nadir; lowest point; worst.
trúveré v. To browse; to look through a collection.
tshelgé v. To precede; to go before.
tshelvé v. To precede; to be before.
tshelvesso n. Precedent.
tshelvezríu n. Predecessor.
tshosaré v. To proceed (with a plan).
tshotaní a. First (chronologically).
verarí a. Not yet accounted for; remaining; in need of counting.
veremí a. Exceptional; outstanding; remarkable; excellent; worthy of being counted.
vézu n. Methodology; strategy.
walí (2) a. Prompt; immediate; quick.
wonedí étave n. Precedent.
yepedai adv. Continually; repeatedly.
yepedí a. Continual; repeated.
yeresaré v. To do again; to do more.
zhío– pre. Again.
zhíoeré v. To recount.