The following dictionary entries are tagged literature:
tatúlu n. Version, revision.
telmeziyu n. Situational irony; when the result of an action is contrary to the expected result.
telmidtu n. Half-knot; plot twist.
telzokona n. The literary essence of suspense.
tetwidhu n. Biography.
thestokona n. The literary essence of satire.
tshemsé v. To sleep, trance, or be hypnotized by remembering a fond memory one is reminded of by artistic performance.
tsheñpadha n. Recollection, retelling.
tshentwidhinu n. History.
tshentwidhoinéu n. Museum.
vekhravé v. To suddenly shift in tone or mood, especially for dramatic effect (bathos).
vekhroleté v. To edit; to refine (while preserving the original goal).
vekhrumbé v. To endow with meaning; to establish a goal.
vemberila n. Myth; deep fantasy.
vúzolebí a. Evocative.
wekella n. Legend or myth (of Lilitic origin).
wekello n. Legend or myth (of Ksreskézaian origin).
wemnokona n. The literary essence of the heroic epic.
widathé v. To write (a story).
widhildtu n. Story, either historical or fictional.
widhiní a. Fictional or historical.
widhinu n. Literature; the sum of fictional and historical accounts.
widhrúkwíu n. Historian.
widhu n. Book; story.
wistu n. Character.
wu n. Spirit, adventure, energy, tenacity, storytelling.
yônillu n. Dimwit, idiot, or fool.
zekidathé v. To write (an experience or event).
zelapekaré v. To fall in love with a performer or model while making art of/for her; see apekaré.
zelmota n. (a) Beauty of form or style; (b) a "correct" style.
zhanebé v. To remix; to create a derivative work.
zhíovekhrumbé v. To change the meaning or goal of something.
zhobedé v. To break flow, especially to interrupt a sentence with another as a rhetorical device.
zofekíe n. Chapter.
telmeziyu n. Situational irony; when the result of an action is contrary to the expected result.
telmidtu n. Half-knot; plot twist.
telzokona n. The literary essence of suspense.
tetwidhu n. Biography.
thestokona n. The literary essence of satire.
tshemsé v. To sleep, trance, or be hypnotized by remembering a fond memory one is reminded of by artistic performance.
tsheñpadha n. Recollection, retelling.
tshentwidhinu n. History.
tshentwidhoinéu n. Museum.
vekhravé v. To suddenly shift in tone or mood, especially for dramatic effect (bathos).
vekhroleté v. To edit; to refine (while preserving the original goal).
vekhrumbé v. To endow with meaning; to establish a goal.
vemberila n. Myth; deep fantasy.
vúzolebí a. Evocative.
wekella n. Legend or myth (of Lilitic origin).
wekello n. Legend or myth (of Ksreskézaian origin).
wemnokona n. The literary essence of the heroic epic.
widathé v. To write (a story).
widhildtu n. Story, either historical or fictional.
widhiní a. Fictional or historical.
widhinu n. Literature; the sum of fictional and historical accounts.
widhrúkwíu n. Historian.
widhu n. Book; story.
wistu n. Character.
wu n. Spirit, adventure, energy, tenacity, storytelling.
yônillu n. Dimwit, idiot, or fool.
zekidathé v. To write (an experience or event).
zelapekaré v. To fall in love with a performer or model while making art of/for her; see apekaré.
zelmota n. (a) Beauty of form or style; (b) a "correct" style.
zhanebé v. To remix; to create a derivative work.
zhíovekhrumbé v. To change the meaning or goal of something.
zhobedé v. To break flow, especially to interrupt a sentence with another as a rhetorical device.
zofekíe n. Chapter.