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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged writing:

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allistekíu n. Censor; deletionist; authoritarian; legislator who favours strict prohibitions.
alnaru n. Line of text in a story or poem.
altivo n. Index; glossary; table of contents; et cetera, as a section of a book.
altivúbé v. To compile an index.
anatru n. Stanza or verse.
berwidhinu n. Fiction.
bidhildtu n. Novel; storybook.
bidhúkwía n. Novelist; author of novels.
bosekíra n. Contractor; contract-holder.
bosekro n. Contract, certificate, diploma; sheet of applewood cardstock traditionally used for important certificates.
denlé v. To write; to appoint (with job roster as loc and person as acc)
denlekwía n. Professional writer.
denlekwía survinanis n. Journalist.
denlu n. Medium; that substance which is used to illustrate, typically ink or paint.
ekahekhtu n. Variant, alternative form, deviation, variation.
ekhonverekíu n. Description.
étshefidtu n. Lyric; words sung.
gekhtíno n. Proceedings (in a meeting); ventures; travels.
hedathé v. To write (on a topic).
hedíreshka n. Coverage [of a topic included in a report].
hedíreshkí n. Having been covered [in a report].
íalu n. Poetic metre.
illidathé v. To write (an essay).
illidhu n. Essay.
ilsithekhtíu n. Monologue.
índu n. Hallway; corridor; margin.
irtalní sarvíu n. Exposition.
karení a. Recorded or digitally stored.
kekhívíu n. Epilogue.
kíeskeme n. Memorandum; circular; notice.
krení a. On paper; on a computer; recorded.
krenilkúekwía n. Note-taker; someone who uses a lot of paper.
krenino n. Documentation; paperwork.
krenza n. Printer (informal).
kru n. Medium (paper, canvas); the substrate upon which a work of art is made.
krúzría n. Papermaker.
kúdo n. Propaganda talking point; fabricated or bent claims.
lapistíu n. Rock pen, such as a stick of chalk or pencil; usually chalk.
lissané v. To format; to arrange; to adapt a work to a new medium.
lissaniko n. Format; formation; arrangement.
manúka n. Professional critic; editorializer.
manúza n. Amateur critic; someone giving criticism.
narhové v. To delete; to cross out.
natu n. Eraser.
neiptu n. Note.
neiptúkwía n. Scribe; data recorder.
neitildtino n. Documentation; records.
neitizzu n. Notebook.
neitúbé (2) v. (with dative) To attribute or ascribe to.
núdenlé v. To append (to a document); to amend by adding corrections.
núdenleko n. Amendment.
pefívíu n. Prologue.
pivitu n. Clause.
rafí a. Written.
rafurekhto n. Literacy.
rafurí a. Literate.
ravelitro n. Petition.
ristekío n. Legislation; rule; legal bill; codified law.
sampeito n. Backup copy of data.
sarthebé v. To author.
sarthíu n. Author.
sarvidtu n. Plot event.
sarvíu n. Plot.
sefenlu n. Ink, including paints that darken when applied in a more concentrated form, like watercolor.
shúkhristíu n. Quill.
sírívíu n. Moment of climax; the peak of a series of events.
sokrine n. Leaflet.
stemnu n. Word-leaf; page; page's worth of text (synecdochially).
stíloé v. To write; to pen (a text).
stíloé (2) v. (with ablative) To depict; to draw upon experience or knowledge of something.
stílokíu n. Manuscript.
stílomotekwía n. Calligrapher.
stínovo n. Writing desk.
stítaloëkwía n. Stenographer.
súbé v. To recite a poem.
súpto n. Short poem, usually reflecting on an immediate situation.
survina n. Current events; the news as reported by professional journalists.
survino n. Propaganda lens; media bubble; a group of current events as reported with a motivated bias.
súthía n. Poet.
tatúlu n. Version, revision.
tekhineitu n. Log; record; journal; diary of events.
tetwidhu n. Biography.
théboloëkwía krenis n. Printer (formal).
thelwidhu n. Diary or personal log.
tínota n. Calligraphy or typography.
topedildtu n. Listing; list entry.
topedo n. Listing.
trafúekhto n. Literacy.
trafúorí a. Literate.
tshemidhildtu n. Memoir.
tshentwidhildtu n. Historical story, chronicle, or museum exhibit.
tshentwidhinu n. History.
tshentwidhúkwía n. Chronicler.
tshílitru n. Paragraph.
vekhroleté v. To edit; to refine (while preserving the original goal).
vekhrumbé v. To endow with meaning; to establish a goal.
vekhtúbé v. To format; to reshape a work of art into a new medium.
walthekía n. Reporting.
walto n. Propaganda piece; journalistic story with a motivated bias.
waltúbezría n. Someone reporting the news but not professionally trained in journalism, such as a primary source or a biased hack (potentially derogatory).

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