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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged magic:

atrúëssina n. Magic; unseen acts.
dzafessa n. Miracle; consequences of prayer.
haspa n. Magic spell; miracle.
haspadzhekwía n. Thaumatologist, someone who studies haspadzho; usually hyphenated with mefudzhekwía as haspadzho-mefudzhekwía.
haspadzho n. Thaumatology; the scientific study of magic and the thaumatic manipulation field.
haspalí a. Magical; miraculous.
haspaní dzafekíu n. Command issued to the thaumatic manipulation field network; a spell or one stanza thereof.
haspaní sarekhtíu n. Effector process that produces a TMF effect based on TMF commands.
haspaní sarekíu n. Effect produced by a TMF command.
haspina n. Magical phenomena generated by TMF.
mokaspa n. Curse.
stillethekí a. Miraculous; pertaining to divine intervention.
stillethekía n. Miracles; logos; the supernatural; evidence of divine intervention in the natural world.
súessa n. Miracle; consequences of chanting.
tsoilethía n. Thaumatic manipulation field emitter, an extratemporal amplifier relay of the magic system.
tsoilethíaní sarthíu n. One of the inventors of the TMF magical system, rarely invoked for a reason other than rhetorical effect.
tsoilethíaní stillu n. A more pious term for a TMF inventor.
zellikadzafé n. To ask of truth; to perform magic.