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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged animal:

adísogeneía n. Wind-chaser, a buoyant ray-like glider animal native to Thet.
aléglokwu n. Ksreskézaian species name for the Khúsak, meaning 'warless ones'.
alestyuru n. Hogenem (biological term).
Alfu n. Terran human.
anthrabu n. Biological term for human of Cossipian stock.
anthropa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
asterru n. Human of Telaian stock.
bovinë n. Herd of cattle.
bovu n. Cow, ox, bull, beast, bovine.
dhéyippu n. Horned horse; including but not limited to unicorns.
doé v. To rip; to claw.
egrekelu n. Culturally neutral term for a Lilitu.
felipta (2) n. Kitten.
gegloksnu n. Hogenem (Ksreskézaian term/slur).
gínosa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
gripsu n. The mythological griffin.
havíntu n. Small bat-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article khablínta.
hippégripsu n. Hippogriff.
hippu n. Equine; a horse, zebra, mule, donkey, etc.
ighanflazu n. Biological term for Pesene.
íla n. Eel, slug, or water-snake.
kana n. Wild dog; coyote; wolf; fox; any canine not domesticated.
kano n. Domesticated dog.
kedotru n. Any mythological creature with a petrifying gaze.
kelínta n. Dragon.
koplazu n. Wild rock spider from Makta.
kotúzu n. Quadruped; any animal with four legs.
laplitu n. Domesticated rock spider from Makta.
lentúzu n. Human (biological term).
lentúzurivíu n. Bipedal animal.
mithéyu n. Unicorn.
plitu n. Domesticated pet.
ptaga n. Beast.
ptalúé v. To buck; to jump wildly.
raska n. Rat.
raskna n. Rat.
sedtoppu n. Horse.
serpu n. Snake; serpent; Hogenem.
shikadu n. Small crab-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article ksiklada.
shúmithéyu n. Unicorn of the wind; alicorn.
shúthippu n. Winged horse; a Pegasid or aliquine.
tetripte n. Living island, any one of several giant floating creatures native to Thet which have evolved to support an ecosystem.
Thebedu n. Physaru.
tsoigloksna n. Tletketti (biological term and Ksreskézaian slur).
vézlu n. Weasel.
vúlu n. Nest; bedding area; private bedroom.
zelnagendeshu n. Biological term for human of Rotomem stock; specifically meaning 'those who were captured'.
zetiyu n. Small armadillo-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article fzeltigva.