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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged government:

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verekwía viglinis n. Money-counter; banker; treasurer.
veríoné v. To oversee.
vézu n. Methodology; strategy.
víglíkté v. To fine; to tax; to enact a monetary punishment.
víglíktéo n. Fine; tax; monetary punishment.
westezo n. Rebel.
yeñganazekía n. Formally confirmed consensus.
yerekhtekwía viglinis n. Minter; a smith who recycles vigliptai into the current issue.
zanlé v. To bring about justice.
zanlekína n. Justice.
zanlekíúbé v. To justify; to give reasoning why something is just.
Zelaisithina n. Judiciary.
zelvanlé (alañgrikhe) v. To bring about justice.
Zeyetaní Ethekwía n. Attorney; lawyer.
Zeyetanivía n. Judge.
zeyetí amúbekhtína n. Balanced kindness; social empathy.
zhofekía n. Breakdown, dissolution.
zígembé v. To place trust in someone making a promise; usually used with leaders.
zígíté v. To react to a state of leaderlessness; usually to choose a new leader; compare zílúgíté when the leader is absent or ineffective.
zílúgíté v. To react to a state of ineffectual or unavailable leadership; contrast zígíté.
zúda n. Abbreviation of ézúsikada.

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