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reverse listing of Lilitika Dictionary
Lilitika Dictionary
Reverse Lookup


Deklina, n. The leadership of the Lilitai, consisting of the Matriarch, her closest advisors, and other top-ranking appointees.

usage: As few formal ranks or titles were ever used in classical Lilitic civilian, secular government, this term was a versatile catch-all to describe the de facto administration; it was seldom used by anyone who might be considered within it, however. Official proclamations and decrees were issued from a Balitra il a Stína (the Desk of the People) and were usually written in the passive voice, evading the still-touchy subject of whether or not the Matriarch had actually had the right to rule as a monarch. The term waned in popularity following the death of Sarthía in 1029, and by the start of the IKY calendar, influence from the Lyrisclensiae had inspired a more rigorous approach to governance in Lilikoisa.

etymology: LPO deklo
See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

related: balitro, bizano, kipestu, mítevíu
tags: noun, people
reverse terms: administration, leadership, royal court