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Ksreskézaian Roots

The following dictionary entries are tagged noun:

degniksa n. Detritovores, multicellular with unusual organelles, motile; some have body plans.
ekñedshabra n. Any of a variety of crystalline toldebipa, including all types of regwa such as kútikshúdzna.
fzeltigva n. Hexapodal tigva similar to an armadillo; direct ancestors of the okso.
glingenyôtza n. Multicellular aquatic organisms with no distinct body plan, but locomotion.
hekwíu n. Primary profession, trade, or expertise.
hitnoklekika n. Simple unicellular organisms; mostly autotrophs similar to a cyanobacterium.
khabla n. Fog or nocturnal darkness.
khablínta n. Flying tigva similar to a bat; some species grow up to 17" in length.
khlofgaba n. Unicellular heterotrophs with more advanced organelles than degniksa or zípúdeba.
ksiklada n. Three-legged skaoka, disk-shaped, stubby limbs, 4-5" diameter at maturity.
kútikshúdzna n. Stonestem regwa; a popular source of tough fabric, a type of ekñedshabra.
okso n. Ksreskézaian.
regsabta n. Evening; nightfall; sunset.
regsabto n. Sleep, rest.
regwa n. Grass or weed [Sotaní Oksirapho], horizon line [Wemní Oksiko], dirt [Mitrajoní Oksiko].
skaoka n. Tripodal or hexopodal zandasta; most similar to arthropods on Earth.
tigva n. Higher zandasta, uniformly with a bilateral body plan and six limbs.
toldebipa n. Autotrophic organisms with simple organelles; multicellular, similar to rudimentary plants, mostly found on land.
tolsentipa n. Simple aquatic colonial organisms; autotrophic and similar to a biofilm.
tovsero n. Eye, gaze, sphere.
twikliñta n. Thermotrophs and chemotrophs without distinct organelles, single-celled, usually found in high-pressure environments.
zandasta n. Multicellular organisms descendant from the khlofgaba; highly motile with well-organized two-fold or three-fold body plans; likened to the Terran class Bilateria.
zargenyôtza n. Multicellular, aquatic organisms with radial symmetry and a well-organised body plan; motile.
zípúdeba n. Heterotrophic organisms with simple organelles; unicellular, similar to protists.