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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged decision:

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abavya adv. Without deviation; unerringly; unbendingly.
aklatí kedoka n. Unabated turbulence; suffering caused by inefficiency or poor organization.
alenzúbemí a. Irrelevant.
alestígí a. Random; without greater purpose.
alezorekta n. Restraint.
alíkúé v. To reject.
alíkússo n. Rejection.
alímanazé v. To forbid someone [acc] from an activity [dat].
alínatré v. To discriminate; to apply separation antagonistically.
alínatreko n. Discrimination; separation or distinction for the purposes of antagonism.
alíwiksé v. To refuse; to turn away from.
alíwikso n. Refusal; turning away from.
alízgé v. To discourage.
amaté v. To disagree.
amatekía n. Disagreement.
aneptegé v. (with hedes + dative) To differ in opinion about something; to not follow about something.
ansaré v. To execute [a plan].
ansarekíu n. Execution [of a plan].
anzodé v. To resolve a problem; to open oneself to wisdom.
anzodekía n. Resolution of a problem; opening to wisdom.
atopeké v. To neglect.
atopekeneí a. Neglectful.
azholedí a. Easily lifted; light; readily understood; comprehensible; easy; simple.
betyaé v. To object.
betyaëkía n. Objection.
bízanlekío n. Order; set of instructions.
bízekí a. Operational, said of a person, plan, or ensemble; able to labour.
búkelíu n. Hazard.
búkí a. Harsh.
dekatké v. To prohibit.
dekatúé v. To presume; to give something early.
dekaturí a. Presumable.
dekatúrya adv. Presumably.
dekes ... ogé v. To prevent [with dative]; to come early.
dekighé v. To prepare.
dekké v. To succeed; to accomplish.
deklatesso n. Prevention.
déklatí a. Preliminary.
dekmanekwía n. Planner.
dekrahíssa n. Premise.
démanaré v. To execute (a plan).
démano n. Plan.
démanthé v. To plan.
détshúarí a. Predictable.
dezhave n. Constraint or restriction placed on choice; ban.
dezhé v. To restrict or constrain by removing options.
dúrepeneí a. Reluctant.
dzúmaní a. Likewise.
efeshelé v. To deserve blame.
efeshestu n. Blame.
ekashya adv. Acting from purest intentions.
ekhtekai adv. Influentially.
ekhtekí a. Influential.
ekhtekya adv. Influentially.
eliku n. That way.
émazé v. To comply with an instruction.
émazekhto n. Compliance.
empéré v. To evaluate.
empérío n. Evaluation.
endíkté (mí kyete) v. To penalize.
endíktéo n. Penalty.
enohé v. To moderate; to stay with something and oversee it.
enohekhtía n. Moderation; oversight.
enviko n. Mode; state or condition entered voluntarily; current fashion or style.
enzekía n. Privilege.
époro n. Restraint.
eregé v. To invade.
eregesso n. Invasion.
eregezu n. Invader.
estíloé v. To prescribe.
estílúkíu n. Prescription.
étemai adv. Considerably; to a noteworthy degree.
étemí a. Worth considering; considerable.
étemlé v. To consider.
étharidta n. Consequence.
etheméú adv. Notably.
evakekhíalí a. Permanent.
evakekhíya adv. Permanently.
fekté v. To carry [by handle] to the intended destination; to dispose of; to resolve.
fidé v. To seek.
filishe n. Reason why something is appealing.
flevifora n. Premise.
fogedí a. Hard to lift; cumbersome; tricky; having many components; fragile; unwieldy; awkward to use.
galsifora n. Loyalty [of a leader].
galsiforí a. Loyal [of a leader to a follower].
gekhtesso n. Consequence.
gekhtíno n. Proceedings (in a meeting); ventures; travels.
gezoé v. To interrupt.
íanethé v. To dare; to encourage taking risk.
íantrúkí a. Optimistic; looking upward.
ifilekhtalí shiwezríe n. Reason why something is appealing.
ighokhepé v. To obsess; to take on an obsession.
ikildto n. Norm; ideologically consistent default; practice from established methodology.
ílemía n. Need; necessity.
illúbedío n. Proposition; proposal; suggestion which has been shared.
intsahé v. To betray.
ítsnahé v. To betray (vulgar).
kedvíté v. To conspire.
kedvíu n. Conspiracy; a plot that makes the hardships of life harder to ignore rather than easier.
kelí zhetaña n. More than half; majority.

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