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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged mythology:

alépta n. Demon; foul beast.
barikolaku n. Vampire.
beriltetu n. Mythological creature.
dhéyippu n. Horned horse; including but not limited to unicorns.
eldu (1) n. Elf, sprite, or long-lived fairfolk; preferred in literary criticism for elves not from JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth setting (see also kwendu).
eldu (2) n. Proponent of non-interventionalist ("ivory tower") diplomacy; isolationist or nationalist who treats other cultures with disdain, especially a Lyrisclensia.
êrûku n. Orc.
gripsu n. The mythological griffin.
hippégripsu n. Hippogriff.
kedokha n. Demon; evil emotion.
kedotru n. Any mythological creature with a petrifying gaze.
kelínta n. Dragon.
khazadu n. Dwarf.
khosidha n. Legend.
khosidhalí a. Legendary.
kíedo n. Credible rumour.
kíesso n. Unlikely rumour.
kúdeku n. Hobbit.
kwendu (1) n. Tolkienian elf; see also eldu.
kwendu (2) n. Elf.
meksé v. To bewitch; to ensorcel.
múrekída n. (a) Hematolagniac; a blood fetishist or someone intimately involved in the rites of Múrekíha; (b) vampire (see attestation).
nanteppa n. Demon.
nasu n. Tolkienian human, very specifically only used to refer to the humans of Middle-earth.
neptshúaní a. Eerie.
netshí a. Eerie.
ptaga n. Beast.
shúmithéyu n. Unicorn of the wind; alicorn.
shúthippu n. Winged horse; a Pegasid or aliquine.
úpolanía n. Demon; servant of chaos.
voizía n. Labyridean.
zépta n. Monster; abomination; absolutely objectionable thing.