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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged philosophy:

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saskíka n. Security doctrine; methods for protecting against espionage or theft.
shiksurí kantyadis a. Of purest intentions.
shiweneis éthartildtanis mefis a. Of practical consequence.
shúthima n. Wind, either literal or as a type of étava.
soidra n. Optimism; faith in progressivism.
soiwalena n. Progressive revolution or coup.
stanína n. Cult of personality; fandom.
stía n. Quill (see also stíu), a variety of étava generated by observable, rational actions.
stillaité v. To divine; to consult a Goddess.
stillessa n. Analogue of vanshúa found in Darika: the emanations of the divine that rest in the soul, generating rational, emotional beings from inert matter and chemically-fuelled automata.
stillethekía n. Miracles; logos; the supernatural; evidence of divine intervention in the natural world.
Súíanivía n. Mathematician, a type of minor Venikan cultist similar to a Pythagorean.
surkoizildra n. Progressivism.
taltsaré v. To dialogue; to interact; to work out a matter (between two or more parties); to perform a large undertaking (together); to build a consensus; to hold and (unless otherwise specified) successfully conclude peace talks; to sign a trade contract or treaty (excluding employment contracts).
taltsithekine n. Discourse [on a subject].
thedra n. Yearning for independence; faith in individualism or anarchism.
thela n. Divine spirit believed by followers of Darika to reside in the souls of individuals, corresponding to a Stilla.
theladía n. Whim with no external motivation; often conversations on free will hinge on the existence of true spontaneity.
thelkoizildra n. Individualism; anarchism.
thelstilla n. In Darika and Thelstillida, the image or portion of a stilla that exists within an individual's soul (vanshúa).
thelstillida n. Follower of Darika; sometimes used as a synonym for vanshúa.
tolmiko n. Eugenics, especially widespread use of genetic engineering on citizens as a government policy of accelerationism.
topu (2) n. Order; orderliness; consistency; cohesion; the result of rational decision-making, planning, and meticulous execution.
trobikí a. Radical.
trúekía n. Revelation.
Tshayelía n. The afterlife or dream-time proper, beyond Neptarlekína, where the Zeyetan purified dwell for eternity and exchange stories; whence all dreams; see theology article.
tsheldra n. Pessimism; faith in conservatism.
tshelkoizildra n. Conservatism.
tshelwalena n. Reactionary revolution or coup.
tshom-illu n. Hypothesis.
úpolúa (2) n. Disaster.
úpolúlí a. Disastrous.
vandamikí a. Racist [within a species].
vandamiko n. Racism [within a species].
vanshúa n. Breath; chest-wind.
vanshúrektu n. Humanity; ethicalness; soulfulness; spirituality; empathy; hope.
Venika n. Esoteric belief system that rejects Sarthía's anthropomorphicization of the Stillai; see Theology.
Venossa n. The physical world, as distinct from the spiritual world.
westezo n. Rebel.
yeñgí topu n. Rational decision-making performed under perfect knowledge of a situation; optimal outcomes given perfect reasoning and execution.
yúdzhí a. Psychological; relating to the study of thought.
yúlekhu n. Shade or quantum of distinction.
zalíbipse n. Antithesis; the contradiction or challenging of a presented concept.
zekellesso n. Magnificence.
zekellí a. Magnificent; touched by greatness.
zelepé v. To establish a debated truth; to lay out a compelling argument for a claim.
zelessaní a. Profound.
zellegé v. To guide someone (to a desired conclusion) with a positive outcome.
Zellika n. Natural order.
zellikaité v. To divine; to consult the way of nature or legal precedent.
zelshúa n. Genius; divine inspiration.
zelstilla n. Genuine or complete stilla; oppose thelstilla.
zemneite n. Thesis; the statement of a key proposition.
Zetosa n. Esoteric name for Lerossa as used by followers of Venika.
zeyeta n. Generally, any stable state or flow; balanced circumstances; natural harmony; ideal condition; in Sarthían theology, the purification of the soul necessary to enter the afterlife Tshayelía; enlightenment.
Zeyetanivía n. Judge.
Zízellika n. The path of devotion to Orthodox Sarthíanism.
zúdika n. Defence policy.

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