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The following dictionary entries are tagged verb:

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éveré v. To ally with, or align with a cause.
evethé v. To protest against [with acc]; to decry a cause.
evgenúbé v. To donate.
évizzé v. To encourage.
evmoré v. To intensify.
evnúé v. To accumulate, adding a small amount (the accusative) onto a mass (the dative or locative).
evokhé v. To affix [an attachment].
evoné v. To describe.
evonzahé v. To entertain.
évúbé v. To compound (acc) into (dat); contrast alignment of míbé.
éyernatúé v. To decrease.
éyernúé v. To increase.
ézelhé v. To make perfect.
ezheté v. To nourish.
ezré v. To do or perform the activity naturally associated with something.
fabvé v. To refract.
faltau déganis repé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To find music of a horn; to blow a horn to perform cymatospicy divination.
faltúbé v. To sing, to give music.
famé v. To sparkle with reflected light; to glitter.
fasé v. To tighten.
fathé v. To glow; to make light.
féfé v. To cry.
fekté v. To carry [by handle] to the intended destination; to dispose of; to resolve.
felsaité v. To convey.
fembúré v. To irradiate or expose to harsh, harmful light.
fertilkúeshé v. To be made into a work of art.
fertindé v. To dance in an artistic display.
fidé v. To seek.
fínané v. To mock.
fíridahé v. To melt.
fíyedazé v. To beg (for money).
fíyethriné v. To embarrass.
fladipé v. To claw.
flasé v. To grip.
flasé ke v. To hold hands together.
flasové v. To curl.
flathebé v. To manufacture (by hand).
flazré v. To poke, especially to provoke a response.
flévé v. To begin.
flévebé v. To establish an organisation, set of rules, or tradition.
floé v. To arc, toss, throw, or cause to round a corner in a wide curve.
flopé v. To gamble; to bet on something with no skill involved.
flovaté v. To catch something thrown; to terminate an arc; to understand an idea not carefully expressed.
flovipúé v. To throw.
flozhané v. To distort; to warp; to bend.
flozhanío v. Artificial distortion or warping, such as in dishonest communication or a cultivated plant.
flúsé v. To tilt or lean.
fôbahé v. To evade.
foekthé v. To elaborate; to expound upon.
fônyaré v. To paint (a subject).
gadzafé v. To ask permission to speak candidly or to apologise for doing so; parrhesiastic request.
galé v. To train.
galsé v. To aid or assist.
galúbé v. To assure.
galurithé v. To speak candidly in exercise of one's right or privilege to do so under difficult circumstances; parrhesiastic statement.
garsé v. To hug.
v. To move.
gekhtanlé v. To employ the rhetorical device of parenthesis.
gekhté v. To flow.
gekhtelmé v. To twist the meaning of a sentence into a new form halfway through; such as in paraprosdokian or a garden path sentence.
gembé v. To promise.
gembera il asa Atshai súbé v. (Zeyetaní phrase)
gembúré v. (a) To crush (physically); (b) (from gembé) to harm with promises.
genabamé v. To love a former sexual partner as a friend.
gendé v. To lack; to be without.
gendzhré v. To insult, especially to call a fool.
gepé v. To play (a sport).
gevitúbé v. To make a foolish or obvious statement.
gezoé v. To interrupt.
ghaité v. To carry.
ghalé v. (of a stasrintshéa) To tinge or taint [with an emotion].
ghaplé v. To soak.
gikúbé v. To navigate an open space; to plot a course.
glaté v. To swim.
glemé v. To stand.
glostahé v. To march; to parade.
glosté v. To march; to parade; to escort (transitive).
gloté v. To confuse (another).
golmipé v. To purge; to cleanse; to wipe clean; to censor.
golohúé v. To drain.
gorilkúé v. To mobilize.
gozúbé v. To deprive.
grafúé v. To read a pattern of waves, usually to divine in cymatospicy.
greñké v. To cover; to conceal.
gúnepé v. To fail.
haikiñgé v. To detect or notice.
haisithé v. To hear.
haité v. To get; to receive; (chiefly in compounds) to hold or keep; to accept an offering; (less commonly) to take.
haiteksaré v. To assign.
haké v. To gasp.
hakreselé v. To deserve in reward for blood purity.
haponé v. To dirty.
hayé v. To perceive.
hedathé v. To write (on a topic).
hedethé v. To comment.
hedí ~ indé v. To dance about ~; to congratulate or celebrate.
hefré v. To kill.
híazé v. To stretch.
hídzhrítúbé v. To use synchysis, listing adjectives in a parallel order before the nouns.
híédzhé v. To specify two noun clauses with the same grammatical case with the intention of equating them; the literary device of apposition.

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