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Lilitika Dictionary

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dzherlapía n. Ruby.
dzherleka n. Red-tree, one of several species of Terran tree adapted to feed on blue light.
dzherona n. Cherry.
dzhertúzu n. Rhubarb.
dzhethotona n. Grape.
dzhusu n. Constitutive physical strength; the ability to withstand external force.
dzúmínu n. Key.
ébamela n. Second mother; female biological father.
édazé v. To clothe; to dress someone with clothing.
édtíekhté v. To carve with a sharpened instrument.
eghileru n. Animal.
égônúbedí a. Designed to accommodate Lilitai.
égreku n. Star (Ksreskézaian term).
egrelesturivío n. Okso with a sexual fixation on one or more slokdtabasa.
egríu n. Gun; any weapon that fires a projectile with a force other than that imparted on it by the user's muscles.
eiphoa n. Blizzard.
ekenede n. Granite.
ekhabra n. Crystalline dendritic plants native to Ksreskézo.
ekhessu n. Shadow.
ekhtekíu n. Statue.
ekhtéthovíu n. Processor.
ekhu n. Shape, texture.
eldu (1) n. Elf, sprite, or long-lived fairfolk; preferred in literary criticism for elves not from JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth setting (see also kwendu).
eldu (2) n. Proponent of non-interventionalist ("ivory tower") diplomacy; isolationist or nationalist who treats other cultures with disdain, especially a Lyrisclensia.
embedí a. Dehydrated, dessicated.
emplu n. Cave.
énamoe n. Salt used as a seasoning.
énompéta n. Chickpea.
énotona n. Olive.
énsallapía n. Mica.
epogalona n. Corncob.
epogodtona n. Nut.
epombalo n. Armor.
eponelíu n. Outer wall; enclosure; shell.
eponezríu n. Shell.
ériñko n. Junk, garbage, useless stuff.
êrûku n. Orc.
evaira n. Tall cup for drinking wine.
fanapso n. Laser.
fanara n. Light beam.
fasé v. To tighten.
fathezu n. Light source.
féfemnu n. Onion.
felozu n. Stranger.
felu n. Cat.
femnu n. Leaf.
fémotona n. Melon.
fertove n. Easel or artist's desk.
fetsu n. Photon.
fíkotolapía n. Morganite.
fímillapía n. Rose quartz.
fíretsa n. Rice grain.
fladegu n. Fingernail.
flasedo n. Handrail.
flasové v. To curl.
flovétona n. Tomato.
frôska n. Blanket.
fu n. Light.
fuñga n. Fungus.
galmotona n. Squash.
galotúzu n. Potato.
galukotolapía n. Golden beryl.
galutre n. Golden beryl sequin.
galzí flasu n. Middle finger.
garenu n. Paint; any pigment that leaves a solid film.
gélohida n. Euphemism for geglokida to avoid saying gegloko; sometimes confused with gélohekwía.
gemlapíu n. Crushed rock; gravel; debris.
geneiu n. Vehicle, passenger, or traveller.
geristona n. Orange.
germotona n. Pumpkin.
gérotúzu n. Carrot.
gílonedu n. Stomach acid.
glemelíu n. Pedestal, stage, platform, or support stand.
glinhovu n. Countertop; high table.
glopsu n. Viscera.
Glota n. Ksreskézo's moon.
gotilda n. Female.
gotona n. Fruit.
gripsu n. The mythological griffin.
gúnu n. Nothing.
gurmotéo n. Animated cartoon.
gwohu n. Surface.
gwoksu n. Face (of a Ksreskézaian or bald person).
haira n. Cup.
haire n. Small bowl.
hairo n. Large bowl or plate.
hairu n. Dish.
haithalpíu n. Earwax.
hakrodeklo n. King.
hala n. Mist or condensation.
halpíu n. Matter in the solid phase.
haltsoilu n. Buffer.
hapla n. Soil.
haplere n. Soil stratum.
hinitrolapía n. Moss agate.
hinolapía n. Malachite; algae-crystal.
hipaku n. Wave-crest; climax.
Hispane n. Spain.
hovloé v. To put something down so it can be used or eaten; such as on a table or hook.
hovloireshkivíu n. An object on a table or which has been put down to use or eat.

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