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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged emotion:

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galuría n. Effortful determination; genuine courage.
galurithé v. To speak candidly in exercise of one's right or privilege to do so under difficult circumstances; parrhesiastic statement.
gélohipto n. Heated disagreement (little skirmish).
genabamé v. To love a former sexual partner as a friend.
gendalúekí a. Graphic; unabridged; uncensored; containing violent, criminal, or lewd detail.
gendamefí alesta n. Sourceless hate; evil.
genessa n. Evil.
genesso n. Cruelty; malice.
genthañgru n. Seriousness of a situation (cold weight).
géru n. Orange; assertive protectiveness.
gésteksí a. Amusing; subtle; bold; gutsy; daring; clever.
gestrímanu n. Brown; smugness or hubris.
gestrovéu n. Smug grin.
gestru n. Smugness.
glozoka n. Fury.
glozokurí a. Furious.
golohúé v. To drain.
habalzoka n. Fear of darkness.
haití a. Receptive, observant, or recipient.
haké v. To gasp.
hakeksí a. Astonishing; scandalous; shocking; controversial; provoking gasps.
hakezu n. Easily shocked person; someone with mild sensibilities.
hakreselé v. To deserve in reward for blood purity.
hakresso n. Inherent worth by religious value of blood.
haponekhto n. Dirtying event; scandal.
haponí a. Dirty, soiled.
hayé v. To perceive.
hayekhtía n. Perception.
hedí ~ indé v. To dance about ~; to congratulate or celebrate.
hefrízhoka n. Fear of being murdered.
híazesso n. The feeling of being tugged on or stretched.
híeflúsé v. To lean sideways, especially in confusion.
híemokhiní a. Intimate.
híñké v. To fight.
híokhu n. Sympathy.
íanethé v. To dare; to encourage taking risk.
íanopré v. To heighten.
íantrúkí a. Optimistic; looking upward.
idzhedí okhu n. Emotional projection; assigning one's feelings to another.
ifilarí a. Intriguing.
ifilé v. To want; to require by desire.
ifilighu n. Longing.
ifísé v. To indulge [another].
ighokhaité v. To maintain an obsession by revisiting a thought.
ighokhepé v. To obsess; to take on an obsession.
ighokhu n. Obsession.
iksúa n. Dismay.
ílé v. To need or want (archaic).
ilede n. Desire.
ílemía n. Need; necessity.
ílethé v. To plead or beg.
íletheka n. Plea.
ílipsí a. Wanted; desired.
ílokha n. Desperation.
ílokhurai adv. Desperately.
ílokhurí a. Desperate.
intsahé v. To betray.
íntsno n. Traitor; assassin; backstabber; deceiver.
íntsnodekhtu n. Shame from accusations of treachery.
íoamé v. To love someone with high regard.
íoptí a. Polite; generally well-mannered.
ísurvalekía n. Bigotry.
ítsnahé v. To betray (vulgar).
kaba n. Lass; wench; girl; used affectionately.
kadípoa n. Disappointment.
kadípoa (2) v. Disappointment; shortcoming; shortage.
kadípokúé v. To disappoint; to come up short.
kadzhírika n. Obsessive desire to return or pretend to return to the state of being a slave, usually as a fetish.
kaitela n. Satisfaction.
kaitelé v. To satisfy.
kakekío n. Massacre.
kalefaé v. To tempt.
kantí a. Pure.
kara (2) n. Lass; wench; girl; used affectionately and often conflated with kara.
karsidzhé v. To befriend; to give friendship.
karsika n. Friendship.
karsokhu n. Compassion.
karzellu n. Trustworthiness (trueness of friendship).
kazarlekta n. Honesty in deed.
kazarlí a. Trustworthy.
kedlefekta n. Aggression, aggressiveness.
kedlefí a. Aggressive.
kedoka n. Dysphoria, discomfort, bad feeling.
kedokha n. Demon; evil emotion.
kedúbedu n. Rough blood (psychotic perturbation).
kedúfé v. To humiliate through sexual assault.
kedvíté v. To conspire.
kedvíu n. Conspiracy; a plot that makes the hardships of life harder to ignore rather than easier.
kéflasé v. To take someone's hand and hold it.
keghanai adv. Honestly; bluntly; frankly.
keghanéú adv. Honestly; bluntly; frankly.
keghaní a. Honest; blunt; frank.
keghanya adv. Honestly; bluntly; frankly.
kekhloko n. Duel.
kelíoro n. Non-obligatory display of respect; courtesy.
kelíorúbé v. To give courtesy; to show respect when not strictly required.
kelliíksedí a. Ironic.
kellíksé v. To employ irony or be ironic.
kellíksedéú adv. Ironically.
kelliksína n. Irony.

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