The following dictionary entries are tagged transitive:
adígé v. To tug.
adíhoé v. To breathe.
afoé v. To swallow.
ahé v. To change.
aktoné v. To present or plead an argument in front of a figure or assembly of authority; to protest on the behalf of.
alaifoiné v. To swallow.
alanidzhé v. To deposit.
alazé v. To hesitate or briefly pause.
aledekighé v. To improvise.
alenzegé v. To evacuate.
alitopé v. To arrange in reverse order.
alobé v. To risk.
alonegé v. To exit.
alpoloñé v. Intransitively, to be preoccupied with anger; transitively, to seethe with rage at someone or something.
alsoipúé v. To bash.
althoigé v. To cross; to go across.
althoizé v. To penetrate through.
alúé v. To jump.
amé v. To love, generally.
ameponé v. To lavish, dote on, or cover with affection.
amindé v. To dance with a lover.
amíthé v. To produce a useful thing (not art) as an expression of love.
ané v. To examine, inspect, explore, or closely study something.
ansepezheté v. To nurture.
anzhofé v. To renew love (for someone).
apekaré v. To create a work specifically for performance by, or the image of, a particular muse or model.
apekilé v. To devote or dedicate work to a patron or muse.
apidzhé v. To insert.
apogé v. To enter.
aremé v. To forage or scavenge.
arlemé v. To happen upon and take; to scavenge; to forage.
asaité v. To take something secretly; to nab.
azagé v. To lower.
bavepé v. To whip (usually with a tail.)
bedé v. To flow; to water; to release a flow.
bepté v. To dribble or drip.
berregé v. To guide someone (to a desired conclusion) with malicious intent; to manipulate a person.
bleñdhé v. To ruin.
dazé v. To wrap around; to clothe (of a fabric).
deksofé v. To engage in sexual foreplay; to grope, frot, or molest.
démanthé v. To plan.
denaponé v. To wash clothing.
deñgizhé v. To dress.
depenthé v. To coin or use an abbreviation of several words by taking just the first syllable of each; a kind of acronym.
dipuré v. To stab; to pierce.
direbé v. To give a qualitative portrayal or sense of something.
dústebé v. To construct (a building).
dzhelé v. To mean or signify.
ébedúré v. To scald.
édazé v. To clothe; to dress someone with clothing.
efamané v. To decide to love something, or to choose a loving/compassionate course of action.
egnipúé v. To shoot a gun or bow, or trigger a catapult.
egúnikúé v. To make sense of something incoherent or confusing.
ekahé v. To transform; to change the shape of something.
ekhtavé v. To fit (a person, thing, or situation); to be appropriate.
ekhté v. To shape.
ekkashiwé v. To grab violently, especially to seize a target in war.
ekmaré v. To attempt.
émazé v. To comply with an instruction.
embedé v. To dry.
enteté v. To live something, such as one's dreams or a particular lifestyle.
entrúé v. To look at.
érepé v. To explore.
erízé v. To penetrate into.
étakéflasé v. To bond socially.
étatopekaité v. To pester or to bother for a period of time.
ethé v. To say.
evnúé v. To accumulate, adding a small amount (the accusative) onto a mass (the dative or locative).
ézelhé v. To make perfect.
ezré v. To do or perform the activity naturally associated with something.
fasé v. To tighten.
fertilkúeshé v. To be made into a work of art.
fertindé v. To dance in an artistic display.
fínané v. To mock.
fladipé v. To claw.
flasové v. To curl.
floé v. To arc, toss, throw, or cause to round a corner in a wide curve.
flovaté v. To catch something thrown; to terminate an arc; to understand an idea not carefully expressed.
flovipúé v. To throw.
fônyaré v. To paint (a subject).
galsé v. To aid or assist.
gendé v. To lack; to be without.
gendzhré v. To insult, especially to call a fool.
ghaité v. To carry.
ghaplé v. To soak.
golmipé v. To purge; to cleanse; to wipe clean; to censor.
golohúé v. To drain.
haikiñgé v. To detect or notice.
haisithé v. To hear.
haponé v. To dirty.
hedathé v. To write (on a topic).
híazé v. To stretch.
híñké v. To fight.
idzhobé v. To sacrifice.
ifilé v. To want; to require by desire.
ighelé v. To intend.
iksaré v. To put into practice habitually (to be a practitioner).
íkwesaré v. To own, to carry out the business of owning.
–ilkúé suf. To make something ~ (A to V).
illeponé v. To deeply understand; to comprehend.
adíhoé v. To breathe.
afoé v. To swallow.
ahé v. To change.
aktoné v. To present or plead an argument in front of a figure or assembly of authority; to protest on the behalf of.
alaifoiné v. To swallow.
alanidzhé v. To deposit.
alazé v. To hesitate or briefly pause.
aledekighé v. To improvise.
alenzegé v. To evacuate.
alitopé v. To arrange in reverse order.
alobé v. To risk.
alonegé v. To exit.
alpoloñé v. Intransitively, to be preoccupied with anger; transitively, to seethe with rage at someone or something.
alsoipúé v. To bash.
althoigé v. To cross; to go across.
althoizé v. To penetrate through.
alúé v. To jump.
amé v. To love, generally.
ameponé v. To lavish, dote on, or cover with affection.
amindé v. To dance with a lover.
amíthé v. To produce a useful thing (not art) as an expression of love.
ané v. To examine, inspect, explore, or closely study something.
ansepezheté v. To nurture.
anzhofé v. To renew love (for someone).
apekaré v. To create a work specifically for performance by, or the image of, a particular muse or model.
apekilé v. To devote or dedicate work to a patron or muse.
apidzhé v. To insert.
apogé v. To enter.
aremé v. To forage or scavenge.
arlemé v. To happen upon and take; to scavenge; to forage.
asaité v. To take something secretly; to nab.
azagé v. To lower.
bavepé v. To whip (usually with a tail.)
bedé v. To flow; to water; to release a flow.
bepté v. To dribble or drip.
berregé v. To guide someone (to a desired conclusion) with malicious intent; to manipulate a person.
bleñdhé v. To ruin.
dazé v. To wrap around; to clothe (of a fabric).
deksofé v. To engage in sexual foreplay; to grope, frot, or molest.
démanthé v. To plan.
denaponé v. To wash clothing.
deñgizhé v. To dress.
depenthé v. To coin or use an abbreviation of several words by taking just the first syllable of each; a kind of acronym.
dipuré v. To stab; to pierce.
direbé v. To give a qualitative portrayal or sense of something.
dústebé v. To construct (a building).
dzhelé v. To mean or signify.
ébedúré v. To scald.
édazé v. To clothe; to dress someone with clothing.
efamané v. To decide to love something, or to choose a loving/compassionate course of action.
egnipúé v. To shoot a gun or bow, or trigger a catapult.
egúnikúé v. To make sense of something incoherent or confusing.
ekahé v. To transform; to change the shape of something.
ekhtavé v. To fit (a person, thing, or situation); to be appropriate.
ekhté v. To shape.
ekkashiwé v. To grab violently, especially to seize a target in war.
ekmaré v. To attempt.
émazé v. To comply with an instruction.
embedé v. To dry.
enteté v. To live something, such as one's dreams or a particular lifestyle.
entrúé v. To look at.
érepé v. To explore.
erízé v. To penetrate into.
étakéflasé v. To bond socially.
étatopekaité v. To pester or to bother for a period of time.
ethé v. To say.
evnúé v. To accumulate, adding a small amount (the accusative) onto a mass (the dative or locative).
ézelhé v. To make perfect.
ezré v. To do or perform the activity naturally associated with something.
fasé v. To tighten.
fertilkúeshé v. To be made into a work of art.
fertindé v. To dance in an artistic display.
fínané v. To mock.
fladipé v. To claw.
flasové v. To curl.
floé v. To arc, toss, throw, or cause to round a corner in a wide curve.
flovaté v. To catch something thrown; to terminate an arc; to understand an idea not carefully expressed.
flovipúé v. To throw.
fônyaré v. To paint (a subject).
galsé v. To aid or assist.
gendé v. To lack; to be without.
gendzhré v. To insult, especially to call a fool.
ghaité v. To carry.
ghaplé v. To soak.
golmipé v. To purge; to cleanse; to wipe clean; to censor.
golohúé v. To drain.
haikiñgé v. To detect or notice.
haisithé v. To hear.
haponé v. To dirty.
hedathé v. To write (on a topic).
híazé v. To stretch.
híñké v. To fight.
idzhobé v. To sacrifice.
ifilé v. To want; to require by desire.
ighelé v. To intend.
iksaré v. To put into practice habitually (to be a practitioner).
íkwesaré v. To own, to carry out the business of owning.
–ilkúé suf. To make something ~ (A to V).
illeponé v. To deeply understand; to comprehend.