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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged tool:

ailekhto n. Microphone or other audio-detecting device.
aléonu n. Planar breach drive.
bitu n. Needle; any small indicator, rod, or elongated tool.
bizano n. Bulletin board; chore rota; duty roster.
dabitu n. Sewing needle.
edoséu n. Wheel.
efalthéonu n. Computer input device.
ekhalthéonu n. Computer output device; computer display.
ekhtipté v. To whittle; to carve something small, especially recreationally.
fathíu n. Light source.
feséu n. Fibre-optic wire.
gethebéonu n. Engine.
gethéonu n. Motor.
–ilkúé suf. To make something ~ (A to V).
kelvenfa n. Radio; any wave, signal, or broadcast transmitted below 247 GHz.
lensarobí a. Capable of healing or hurting; having multiple purposes or applications, especially of a contradictory nature.
lobaré v. To manipulate (with a tool).
lobí flakhemo n. Instrument panel; control surface; computer touchscreen.
lobíu n. Tool; implement.
milobo n. Hammer.
nargéu n. Lever.
narséu n. Rod.
shúkhristíu n. Quill.
sithíonu n. Speaker.
spagarío n. Rifle.
stíu n. Writing tool; feather; human hair.
tanu n. Hook.
thebéonu n. Machine.
thedegzéu n. Cog.
theontabo n. Robot; mechanical slave.
theonu n. Machine.
trúthéo n. Scope [instrument].
tsarséu n. Conduit; a bundle of wires, fibre optic cables, and/or mechanical drive shafts.
weséu n. Electrical wire.
wetoséu n. Circuit.
wizzo n. Button.
yezelíonu n. Phenotype respecifier.
zholaré v. To manipulate (with hands).