The following dictionary entries are tagged tool:
ailekhto n. Microphone or other audio-detecting device.
aléonu n. Planar breach drive.
bitu n. Needle; any small indicator, rod, or elongated tool.
bizano n. Bulletin board; chore rota; duty roster.
dabitu n. Sewing needle.
edoséu n. Wheel.
efalthéonu n. Computer input device.
ekhalthéonu n. Computer output device; computer display.
ekhtipté v. To whittle; to carve something small, especially recreationally.
fathíu n. Light source.
feséu n. Fibre-optic wire.
gethebéonu n. Engine.
gethéonu n. Motor.
–ilkúé suf. To make something ~ (A to V).
kelvenfa n. Radio; any wave, signal, or broadcast transmitted below 247 GHz.
lensarobí a. Capable of healing or hurting; having multiple purposes or applications, especially of a contradictory nature.
lobaré v. To manipulate (with a tool).
lobí flakhemo n. Instrument panel; control surface; computer touchscreen.
lobíu n. Tool; implement.
milobo n. Hammer.
nargéu n. Lever.
narséu n. Rod.
shúkhristíu n. Quill.
sithíonu n. Speaker.
spagarío n. Rifle.
stíu n. Writing tool; feather; human hair.
tanu n. Hook.
thebéonu n. Machine.
thedegzéu n. Cog.
theontabo n. Robot; mechanical slave.
theonu n. Machine.
trúthéo n. Scope [instrument].
tsarséu n. Conduit; a bundle of wires, fibre optic cables, and/or mechanical drive shafts.
weséu n. Electrical wire.
wetoséu n. Circuit.
wizzo n. Button.
yezelíonu n. Phenotype respecifier.
zholaré v. To manipulate (with hands).
aléonu n. Planar breach drive.
bitu n. Needle; any small indicator, rod, or elongated tool.
bizano n. Bulletin board; chore rota; duty roster.
dabitu n. Sewing needle.
edoséu n. Wheel.
efalthéonu n. Computer input device.
ekhalthéonu n. Computer output device; computer display.
ekhtipté v. To whittle; to carve something small, especially recreationally.
fathíu n. Light source.
feséu n. Fibre-optic wire.
gethebéonu n. Engine.
gethéonu n. Motor.
–ilkúé suf. To make something ~ (A to V).
kelvenfa n. Radio; any wave, signal, or broadcast transmitted below 247 GHz.
lensarobí a. Capable of healing or hurting; having multiple purposes or applications, especially of a contradictory nature.
lobaré v. To manipulate (with a tool).
lobí flakhemo n. Instrument panel; control surface; computer touchscreen.
lobíu n. Tool; implement.
milobo n. Hammer.
nargéu n. Lever.
narséu n. Rod.
shúkhristíu n. Quill.
sithíonu n. Speaker.
spagarío n. Rifle.
stíu n. Writing tool; feather; human hair.
tanu n. Hook.
thebéonu n. Machine.
thedegzéu n. Cog.
theontabo n. Robot; mechanical slave.
theonu n. Machine.
trúthéo n. Scope [instrument].
tsarséu n. Conduit; a bundle of wires, fibre optic cables, and/or mechanical drive shafts.
weséu n. Electrical wire.
wetoséu n. Circuit.
wizzo n. Button.
yezelíonu n. Phenotype respecifier.
zholaré v. To manipulate (with hands).