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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged causality:

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meikwí pm. Because of the interest of.
mílokha n. Consensus; overwhelming opinion determined informally.
moileka n. Adaptation to a problem, including to an evolutionary obstacle.
moilkúé v. To empower; to make able to endure.
moilkúo n. Empowerment; strengthening; reinforcement.
mokadíkwa n. False excuse or alibi, especially one made during the decline of a relationship.
nadústé v. To destruct; to destroy.
nadústekhtía n. Destruction of natural causes; collapse; erosion.
nadústekhtío n. Destruction of artificial causes; demolishing; razing.
narizaré v. To restrict.
narizarékío n. Restriction.
natheksí a. Destructive.
neptetíu n. Descendant; offspring.
neptímé v. To ensue.
neptshemo n. Aftermath.
nohekí a. Persistent.
nohenai adv. Persistently.
noheneí a. Unchanging; constant; persisting.
nosakelrobé v. To be improbable.
nosakelropu n. Something which is improbable.
nosakelrorlí a. Improbable.
nosarobé v. To be impossible.
nosaropu n. Something which is impossible.
nosarorlí a. Impossible.
olíu (2) n. [with ablative] Hence; herefrom.
olta n. The temporal or sequential present (shortened).
ôn– pre. Doing for.
onílé v. To forecast; to predict; to prophesy.
oníloa n. Forecast; prediction; prophecy.
oshí pm. On the behalf of.
oshúbé v. To motivate.
oshúbesso n. Motivation.
oshúne n. Sake; interest; purpose; cause.
ossarlé v. To resign oneself to fate.
ossarlekhtía n. Resignation to fate.
ossezílemía n. Dire necessity.
otalu (2) n. [with ablative] Hence; hereafter.
panfí a. Not yet ripe; immature.
pefteshé v. To ripen; to become ready.
peftí a. Ripe; full; ready.
rebiko n. Pathway; instructions; guide; tutorial; sequence of actions for completing a goal.
repetshalu n. Opportunity.
rezaní a. Responsible.
rezaru n. Responsibility.
rezíké v. To oblige.
rezílkúé v. To obligate.
rezunté v. To expect; to require of the future.
rezyarai adv. Readily [non-idiomatic].
rilé v. To require (by circumstance).
rizilé v. To require (by law or some ruleset).
riziledí a. Compulsory.
rizkúdí a. Mandatory; required; necessary.
robarlé v. To dare; to take a risk.
robé v. To be possible.
robéú m. Maybe; possibly; perhaps.
rokarí a. Potential.
rokarya adv. Potentially.
roké v. To make possible.
ropu n. Something which is possible.
rorlí a. Possible.
rosheme n. Case, possibility.
sama ex. "Favour!" or "Fortune!": called out during competitions or gambling to exhort desirable outcomes; considered irreverent or abusive by Orthodox Sarthíans.
samanaité v. To favour.
samanu n. Favour.
samanurí a. Favourable; favoured.
sarekhtíu n. Deed; doing.
shemu n. State or situation.
shikso n. Motive (contracted from shiwikso)
shiksurí kantyadis a. Of purest intentions.
shimaru n. Fate; destiny.
shiví a. Driving; motivating.
shiwé v. To cause.
shiweze n. Cause; reason; motivation; trigger.
shiwikso n. Motive.
shúthíka n. Wind current; jetstream; predictable twist of fate.
shúthima n. Wind, either literal or as a type of étava.
shweshé v. To be caused by.
sívmoloé v. To be dependent.
slineka n. Consent.
stía n. Quill (see also stíu), a variety of étava generated by observable, rational actions.
súkathé v. To compensate; to make adequate.
suntu n. Future (feminine or neuter.)
tamaforí a. Reliable.
tamafortu n. Reliability.
tamaksai adv. Consistently.
tamakse n. Consistency in behaviour.
taské v. To defy.
taskíu n. Defiance.
tekhide n. Incident.
tekhidí a. Incident.
tekhineitu n. Log; record; journal; diary of events.
tekhorí a. Liable; prone to doing something.
tekhote n. Incidence.
thaheke n. Outcome, result, consequence, product.
thelbístu n. Autonomy.
thwashofé v. To interrupt.
tímeshé v. To make something start.
topu (2) n. Order; orderliness; consistency; cohesion; the result of rational decision-making, planning, and meticulous execution.
tshelde n. Backing; source of support.
tshentu n. Past (feminine or neuter.)

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