The following dictionary entries are tagged culture:
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khosidhalí a. Legendary.
khostríaní a. Foreign; of a far land.
Khúrafe n. The Khúsak language.
Khúsakí a. Of the culture of the Khúsak.
Khúsakinu n. The culture of the Khúsak civilization.
Khúsaku n. Individual of the Khúsak.
kílosu n. Name.
kipíolí a. Mainstream; current; in circulation.
klitru n. Neighbourhood.
koitríu n. Homeland.
Kossipí a. Of Cossipian culture.
Kossipínu n. Cossipian culture.
Kossipíu n. Cossipian.
Ksreskézikí a. Ksreskézaian.
Ksreskézinivíu n. Ksreskézaian citizen, product, or possession.
Ksreskézinu n. Ksreskézaian culture.
Kúanení a. Telaian.
Kúanía n. Kuanid, the Telaian language.
Kúaninu n. Telaian culture, specifically modern Kuanid-speaking Telaian culture.
kwendu (2) n. Elf.
Latína n. The Latin language.
letekséo n. Crown.
Lilitu n. Lilitu.
Líriktensíu n. Lyrisclensian culture.
lírisí a. Lyrisclensian.
Lírisikí a. Lyrisclensian.
Lírisu n. Lyrisclensian.
Mefírafa n. The Rotomemi dialect.
míko n. Political zeitgeist; that which falls within the Overton window; established political practice.
míkoní a. Of a unified policy or philosophy; of the group consensus; of the body politic.
milíé v. To celebrate.
mohúbide n. Blessing or gift granting strength.
múnildísurvalekía n. Bigotry towards the Múnildai.
múnildu n. Engineer or scientist.
napthelé v. To bathe.
neptarledzhe n. The study of dreams, death, and the afterlife.
nepteglo n. Legacy.
neptera n. Gravemarker.
oksí a. Ksreskézaian.
oñedí a. Mainstream; widely-seen or known.
Palige n. The Peseni language, Paligú.
Pesenikí a. Of the culture of the Peseneyi.
Peseninu n. The culture of the Peseneyi.
Pesetsu n. Pesene.
podte n. Toy.
polikrine lí yepekhtíu n. A playing card game, as distinguished by its rules.
polikru n. A playing card.
poliptí a. Cute.
popévu n. Day of celebration; not necessarily a set holiday on the calendar.
rístobé v. To greet.
Roméí a. Roman.
Roméu n. Roman citizen.
Rominu n. Roman culture.
Roshagila n. Roshagil, the language of the Hatel and Cossipai.
rotomeidha n. Heritage; ancestry from the Rotomemi.
Rôtomemu n. Ancestor (of a Lilitu), or more specifically a member of the Rotomem.
Sainíka n. Doctrine; Our Way [as opposed to customs of non-Lilitu groups].
sainíkalí a. Of the doctrines of the Lilitai; doctrinal to the Lilitai.
salíté n. Neighbour.
sampildto n. Norm; safety convention; safety standard.
samponé v. To protect.
sanesso n. Prestige.
sanessurí a. Prestigious.
sanlínteté v. To neighbour.
sanlíntetekí n. Neighbouring; adjacent.
saraka n. Ceremony, typically of a personal or private nature.
sarnokonidta n. Moral.
sarúbide n. Blessing or gift easing difficulty.
shúthildísurvalekía n. Bigotry towards the Shúthildai.
shúthildu n. Organizer; motivator; director.
siloiso n. Cabinet.
slokdtabu n. (a) Lilitu servant (in feminine declension); (b) slave (in neuter declension).
sofé v. To have sex with; to fuck.
soféu n. Intimate sexual interaction.
Sostu n. Member of the TMF builder civilization.
stadzhu n. Culture.
Staíodzhu n. Civilization.
stardzhu n. Nation.
stídha n. Ethnic group; ethnicity.
stídhaní a. Ethnic.
stídhildta n. Ethnicity of a person.
stíldísurvalekía n. Bigotry towards the Stíldai.
stíldu n. Artist or theoretician; someone who works chiefly with ideas.
stinaní fertidtu n. Piece of stasis art.
stulitru n. Family; herd; tribe.
Telaïnu n. Telaian culture, especially historical Telaian culture.
Telibelía n. The coming-of-age rite; see article.
telibezré n. To undergo the coming-of-age rite, Telibelía.
tépíno n. Puzzle.
tepta n. Doll.
terela n. Flourish; bouquet; floral decoration or design element.
topekúedí a. Mainstream; alluded to; often-referenced.
trída n. Foreigner of an uncivilised land; bumpkin; rustic; barbarian.
trído n. Civilised foreigner.
tshemekta n. Credibility.
tshemí a. Credible.
Tshentkoisasa n. Pre-marriage ritual of travelling the past; see Lilitic Marriage.
Tshentwidhildta n. Pre-marriage ritual of eulogies; see Lilitic Marriage.
tshentwidhoinéu n. Museum.
Tsheyúzekhtía n. Ritual honouring the dead performed at the end of Vendashrí Tshemsha, Atshogía'l asa Neptrúekha, Alísogía'l Trotúzasa, and Ketabazainí Akofama.
khostríaní a. Foreign; of a far land.
Khúrafe n. The Khúsak language.
Khúsakí a. Of the culture of the Khúsak.
Khúsakinu n. The culture of the Khúsak civilization.
Khúsaku n. Individual of the Khúsak.
kílosu n. Name.
kipíolí a. Mainstream; current; in circulation.
klitru n. Neighbourhood.
koitríu n. Homeland.
Kossipí a. Of Cossipian culture.
Kossipínu n. Cossipian culture.
Kossipíu n. Cossipian.
Ksreskézikí a. Ksreskézaian.
Ksreskézinivíu n. Ksreskézaian citizen, product, or possession.
Ksreskézinu n. Ksreskézaian culture.
Kúanení a. Telaian.
Kúanía n. Kuanid, the Telaian language.
Kúaninu n. Telaian culture, specifically modern Kuanid-speaking Telaian culture.
kwendu (2) n. Elf.
Latína n. The Latin language.
letekséo n. Crown.
Lilitu n. Lilitu.
Líriktensíu n. Lyrisclensian culture.
lírisí a. Lyrisclensian.
Lírisikí a. Lyrisclensian.
Lírisu n. Lyrisclensian.
Mefírafa n. The Rotomemi dialect.
míko n. Political zeitgeist; that which falls within the Overton window; established political practice.
míkoní a. Of a unified policy or philosophy; of the group consensus; of the body politic.
milíé v. To celebrate.
mohúbide n. Blessing or gift granting strength.
múnildísurvalekía n. Bigotry towards the Múnildai.
múnildu n. Engineer or scientist.
napthelé v. To bathe.
neptarledzhe n. The study of dreams, death, and the afterlife.
nepteglo n. Legacy.
neptera n. Gravemarker.
oksí a. Ksreskézaian.
oñedí a. Mainstream; widely-seen or known.
Palige n. The Peseni language, Paligú.
Pesenikí a. Of the culture of the Peseneyi.
Peseninu n. The culture of the Peseneyi.
Pesetsu n. Pesene.
podte n. Toy.
polikrine lí yepekhtíu n. A playing card game, as distinguished by its rules.
polikru n. A playing card.
poliptí a. Cute.
popévu n. Day of celebration; not necessarily a set holiday on the calendar.
rístobé v. To greet.
Roméí a. Roman.
Roméu n. Roman citizen.
Rominu n. Roman culture.
Roshagila n. Roshagil, the language of the Hatel and Cossipai.
rotomeidha n. Heritage; ancestry from the Rotomemi.
Rôtomemu n. Ancestor (of a Lilitu), or more specifically a member of the Rotomem.
Sainíka n. Doctrine; Our Way [as opposed to customs of non-Lilitu groups].
sainíkalí a. Of the doctrines of the Lilitai; doctrinal to the Lilitai.
salíté n. Neighbour.
sampildto n. Norm; safety convention; safety standard.
samponé v. To protect.
sanesso n. Prestige.
sanessurí a. Prestigious.
sanlínteté v. To neighbour.
sanlíntetekí n. Neighbouring; adjacent.
saraka n. Ceremony, typically of a personal or private nature.
sarnokonidta n. Moral.
sarúbide n. Blessing or gift easing difficulty.
shúthildísurvalekía n. Bigotry towards the Shúthildai.
shúthildu n. Organizer; motivator; director.
siloiso n. Cabinet.
slokdtabu n. (a) Lilitu servant (in feminine declension); (b) slave (in neuter declension).
sofé v. To have sex with; to fuck.
soféu n. Intimate sexual interaction.
Sostu n. Member of the TMF builder civilization.
stadzhu n. Culture.
Staíodzhu n. Civilization.
stardzhu n. Nation.
stídha n. Ethnic group; ethnicity.
stídhaní a. Ethnic.
stídhildta n. Ethnicity of a person.
stíldísurvalekía n. Bigotry towards the Stíldai.
stíldu n. Artist or theoretician; someone who works chiefly with ideas.
stinaní fertidtu n. Piece of stasis art.
stulitru n. Family; herd; tribe.
Telaïnu n. Telaian culture, especially historical Telaian culture.
Telibelía n. The coming-of-age rite; see article.
telibezré n. To undergo the coming-of-age rite, Telibelía.
tépíno n. Puzzle.
tepta n. Doll.
terela n. Flourish; bouquet; floral decoration or design element.
topekúedí a. Mainstream; alluded to; often-referenced.
trída n. Foreigner of an uncivilised land; bumpkin; rustic; barbarian.
trído n. Civilised foreigner.
tshemekta n. Credibility.
tshemí a. Credible.
Tshentkoisasa n. Pre-marriage ritual of travelling the past; see Lilitic Marriage.
Tshentwidhildta n. Pre-marriage ritual of eulogies; see Lilitic Marriage.
tshentwidhoinéu n. Museum.
Tsheyúzekhtía n. Ritual honouring the dead performed at the end of Vendashrí Tshemsha, Atshogía'l asa Neptrúekha, Alísogía'l Trotúzasa, and Ketabazainí Akofama.
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