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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged physics:

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Ossa n. The universe or sky; all of Creation.
shúkogé v. To evaporate or boil.
shúlidahé v. To condense (from a gaseous state).
sithembe n. Radio wave or signal (especially as used in communications).
sithíonu n. Speaker.
soimí a. Cool.
sokerí a. Light (in weight or importance.)
solaní a. Light (in mass or substance.)
súnarubé v. To derive, or to perform differential calculus on an equation.
súveru n. Vector.
talinu n. Time, as a dimension.
tekré v. To modulate; to alter a pattern.
thebéonu n. Machine.
thedegzéu n. Cog.
theonu n. Machine.
thímí a. Warm.
thimu n. Heat or thermal energy.
tsañga n. Mass.
tsanitse n. Higgs Boson.
tsarséu n. Conduit; a bundle of wires, fibre optic cables, and/or mechanical drive shafts.
tsoilé v. To hollow.
tsovéu n. Hollow sphere.
tzada n. Spark; distant flash of light.
–veru suf. Vector suffix; not to be confused with the noun súveru.
voblu n. Proton.
webízinu n. Electric power.
wemba n. Lightning bolt, spark, electric discharge.
wembedé v. To transmit or send electrical current through a wire.
wembúré v. To electrocute or expose to an electrical current.
weséu n. Electrical wire.
wetoséu n. Circuit.
wetsu n. Electron.
wíkséu n. Axle.
wizgé v. To push.
yekerí a. Heavy (in weight or importance.)
yelaní a. Heavy (in mass or substance.)
Zellidtu n. Natural rule; universal constant.
Zellika n. Natural order.
zíyaré v. To react.
zíyarekíu n. Outcome, especially a usually chemical precipitate.

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