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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged politics:

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lúpé (2) v. To provoke.
manazúkinu n. The Establishment; the group of people forming the political level of government, as considered independently from its ideology, civil servants, and representation of the State.
manethía n. Speaker; boss; one who has a note-taking secretary or scribe.
mazewíu n. Decision-maker; any minister or autocrat involved in deciding legislation.
Mefísta Lilitinanis n. Mother of the Lilitai, a less-formal synonym for Mefístamazínanivía il Lilitina.
Mefístamazínanivía il a Lilitina n. Matriarch of the Lilitai, the leader of the semi-hereditary autarchy.
meirebé v. To confer titles or duties; to grant involvement.
míko n. Political zeitgeist; that which falls within the Overton window; established political practice.
míkoní a. Of a unified policy or philosophy; of the group consensus; of the body politic.
míldra n. Obedience or faith in leadership; faith in authoritarianism.
mílitradzhu n. Empire.
mílokha n. Consensus; overwhelming opinion determined informally.
mítevíu n. Head of state.
mitibístu n. Autocracy.
mitradzhu n. Empire.
mítrakoizildra n. Authoritarianism.
mitramazínu n. Populist/socialist democracy.
múbedamazínu n. Monarchy (rule through blood.)
namúreneí démano n. Plan to fix mistakes; plan of restoration; plan of reform.
naponekhtía n. Liberation.
naponesso n. Liberty.
nastré v. To depopulate; to genocide.
nazhofine n. Coalition.
neprísé v. To concede to a demand.
nepríseka n. Concession to a demand.
núdenleko n. Amendment.
oshekú ... opré / oshekú ... ifopré v. To endorse.
oshethé v. To lobby.
ossezílemía n. Dire necessity.
rezivía n. Largest portion; plurality.
rinflovedoi n. Litter; garbage.
rizaitu n. Legal or social right.
sañkúeneí a. Speaking in a diplomatic tone; aiming to strike a compromise.
santsheledíu n. That which is reversed.
santshelekhtía n. Over-turning.
santshelí n. Reversal.
santshelkúé v. To reverse.
saskíka n. Security doctrine; methods for protecting against espionage or theft.
snerkidzhé v. To entitle; to grant titles.
snikarlí a. Nasty; tricky; treacherous.
soidra n. Optimism; faith in progressivism.
soidrí a. (of a political idea or person) Progressive; advancing the causes of social equality.
soiwalena n. Progressive revolution or coup.
soventría n. Niche; nook; crevice; exclave; vestige; closet; rump state.
stardzhu n. Nation.
surethé v. To protest for [with acc]; to champion a cause.
surethezu n. One who protests for something; protester; evangelist; apologist.
surkoizildra n. Progressivism.
survino n. Propaganda lens; media bubble; a group of current events as reported with a motivated bias.
taltsaré v. To dialogue; to interact; to work out a matter (between two or more parties); to perform a large undertaking (together); to build a consensus; to hold and (unless otherwise specified) successfully conclude peace talks; to sign a trade contract or treaty (excluding employment contracts).
thedra n. Yearning for independence; faith in individualism or anarchism.
thelbístu n. Autonomy.
thelkoizildra n. Individualism; anarchism.
thelmanazekí a. Self-directed; independent; self-governing.
tripto balitronis n. Badge of office.
trobikí a. Radical.
tshelde n. Backing; source of support.
tsheldra n. Pessimism; faith in conservatism.
tshelkoizildra n. Conservatism.
tshelwalena n. Reactionary revolution or coup.
túreponé v. To send someone into exile; to banish.
veñkorré v. To abdicate or resign from a leadership position.
verekwía viglinis n. Money-counter; banker; treasurer.
vézu n. Methodology; strategy.
walto n. Propaganda piece; journalistic story with a motivated bias.
westezo n. Rebel.
wistopré v. To rise against; to rebel; to resist; to defy; to confront.
wistoprekhtía n. Rebellion.
wistorekta n. Hostility.
wistorí (2) a. Hostile.
yeflévé v. To prevail.
yeflévesso n. Prevalence.
yeñganazekía n. Formally confirmed consensus.
yetelmé (2) v. To get revenge.
yetelmekía n. Revenge.
yetúté v. To revive.
yetútía n. Revival.
zanlekíúbé v. To justify; to give reasoning why something is just.
zekellesso n. Magnificence.
zekellí a. Magnificent; touched by greatness.
zeyetí amúbekhtína n. Balanced kindness; social empathy.
zhíotetúbeshía n. Rehabilitation.
zhofedinu n. Faction; shard; splinter group.
zhofekía n. Breakdown, dissolution.
zígembé v. To place trust in someone making a promise; usually used with leaders.
zígíté v. To react to a state of leaderlessness; usually to choose a new leader; compare zílúgíté when the leader is absent or ineffective.
zílúgíté v. To react to a state of ineffectual or unavailable leadership; contrast zígíté.
zúdika n. Defence policy.

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