People Reséa Chúkotía Sarthía
Personal Name: Reséa
Familial Name: Chúkotía
Cultural Title: Sarthía

Birth: 67676.961 lky
Death: 68145.507 lky
Lifespan: 562.25 tgc

Species: Lilitu
Gender: Stílda

Biography: Often known as just Sarthía by her students, Reséa married to a shúthilda named Haplenía Korakta Poaléanivía, who was in turn one of the most important assistants to Gleméa Haidtúa, and later went on to found the Lilitic medical sciences. Wrote many of the most important documents that captured Lilitic beliefs and helped them stand the test of time, including Stilla-lumela (On the Goddesses) and Zelchútina-la (The Genders or The True Categories.) Although she was never Matriarch, her quill shaped much of Lilitic policy and culture. Her death in 1029 lilpo prompted Atsha-Sithéa to resume the hunt for other human species, a quest once held to be futile due to the perceived Tletketti border,  which was no longer critical now that there was finally evidence that ships from the other side had begun braving formerly Tletketti space.

Originally named Regsabta ("sunset") of the House of Chúkoto, she was employed originally as a junior writer for a periodical on Ksreskézo, titled the Tévopío Scabbard, although informally she was the newspaper's head editor. In this capacity she also acted as liaison for the powerful Chúkoto clan, who owned a number of Lilitai and employed them in various civil roles, making them some of the best-educated among their species at the time. Reséa's proximity to the world of journalism left her with a yearning to be more involved in matters of political reform, an area supposedly barred to her kind.

After the collapse of the Ksreskézaian Empire, she became intimately involved in the affairs of the Lilitai, acting in effect as the chief advisor to the first matriarch and her successor Súa, as well as acting as Censor over the fledgling Lilitic arts. Reséa saw it as her duty to use her craft as a writer to its maximum extent in reforming and inspiring Lilitic society, and she wrote many myths and stories which eventually ascended to become respected religiously, as well as a number of treatises on how a Lilitu should properly conduct herself.

For her part, Gleméa did not always agree with Reséa's techniques in manipulating their people according to her own conception of moral rectitude, and rather infamously refused to conform to one of the four gender stereotypes set forth by Reséa in The True Categories. However, she was unable to refute Reséa's effectiveness. Other authors and artists also dissented, somewhat, including the noted philosopher and satirist Íora, who had also been born to the house of Chúkoto.

Because of her role in affirming Lilitic culture and custom, and because her words were known so ubiquitously, Reséa gained the nickname Sarthía ("author"), and posthumously has been known better by that title than her own name. This is a reference to one of her own myths, Sarthíasa hé Shúthimasa (Writers and Winds), which was a moral fable that put forth the idea of one's life as an ever-unfinished story in one half, and suggested conversely in the other that there are unseen and chaotic forces that propel one towards one's ultimate fate. This story gained more cultural traction than On The Goddesses, a much more serious work that attempted to reform the Ksreskézaian spirit-animism into a proper polytheistic religion.

Sarthía herself is regarded fondly by most if not all Lilitai, as a nurturing, wise mother who knows best, and amongst the largely experiential Lilitai is one of the few figures regarded with almost saintly veneration. It is no surprise, then, that she has earned her own title: those who invoke her hope that their stories turn out as well-written as she might have made them.

Holocaust of Ksreskézaian and Tletkettoyic Empires: witness.