recent additions
- apatoLilitika
- apapaLilitika
- atapaLilitika
- atataLilitika
- mamaLilitika
- mabaLilitika
- babaLilitika
- deksoinoLilitika
- esoluLilitika
- fírezuLilitika
- houLilitika
- amamaLilitika
- amabaLilitika
- karuLilitika
- shúthímaLilitika
- ababaLilitika
- Dictionary VariantSite Infrastructure
- kordíLilitika
- dzistuLilitika
- zittuLilitika
- yéLilitika
- Miscellaneous ScriptsLilitika Phonology and Scripts
- zúlLilitika
- zhurLilitika
- ontologyLilitika
- taltúkía éyolisLilitika
- sodikíLilitika
- ékastíLilitika
- ékastaiLilitika
- pensadaLilitika
- aperilluLilitika
- fidezuLilitika
- fidéLilitika
- gúfelozaríLilitika
- gendikí2Lilitika
- gútshekuríLilitika
- mentosekíoLilitika
- mentoséLilitika
- vatúpéLilitika
- vatúloéLilitika
- anteméLilitika
- telmedoLilitika
- liburkeneíLilitika
- falíoLilitika
- yematoLilitika
- liburkéLilitika
- khosarekteLilitika
- trúthéoLilitika
- fínakíLilitika
- fínanzaLilitika
exhibits at the museum
Xhomitzi epigeneticsa tragic past uncovered by syringe the way Windward
a new sculpture by Carina Foya regalia of the Iron princes
unlikely crowns for unlikely rulers
today in history
no event for this date yet.project updates
New exhibits for 8459News Three polemics against linguistic descriptivism
Samantics On the fittedness of computing environments
Samantics Chlorine, Fluorine
Samantics Cursive Scripts are the Road to Awe, Part 3
research news
New exhibits for 8459
As 8458 draws to a close, the Museum has finished remodelling its displays in the western quadrant of the building. See the Visitors' Guide for specifics.
Tabletop Wanisin
Presenting history in a unique and engaging way is sometimes the most taxing of challenges an archivist can be faced with. In the course of such intricate decision-making about how to plan exhibits and sifting through millions of historical documents to discern what came to be relevant to the greater narrative and what can be relegated safely to obscurity, it often comes to pass that there is a period of silence on the part of the Museum which seems to drown out all else. Indeed all may seem quiet—but it is not exactly so. […]
Broadening Scope
In keeping with our mission of documenting life in Thet, we have undergone a recent expansion in the aim of our presented documentation to better represent other regions in the Expanse and of historical and cultural significance to groups with significant presence in the archipelago. These will be filled out more thoroughly over the following months.