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Lilitika Dictionary
Relativizers follow the rest of the noun complex and start a subclause, which is terminated with a matching verb complex:

<noun> <relativizer> <arguments to relative clause> <relative verb>

Uniquely, they inflect according to the role of the <noun> within the relative clause, so if the noun is the object of the relative clause, the relativizer will be marked in the accusative case. The case on the noun is completely independent of this, and comes solely from its role in the parent sentence.

If it is absolutely unambiguous which noun is marked by the relativizer (such as due to gender or being the only noun present), Venrafivía and later dialects permit moving the relativizer and its subclause to the end of the sentence for clarity, offset by a comma:

<noun> <verb>, <relativizer> <arguments> <relative verb>

The following dictionary entries are tagged relativizer:

hedu n. About, regarding, which speaks of.
oshu n. For the purpose of.
súnu n. Ketalán equivalent to tsilu.
swu n. A variant of tsilu (see grammar) indicating an incidental or tangential observation.
tsilu n. Which.