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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged unit:

Akatshova n. Monday, the second day of the Gregorian week.
akonova n. Lunar month.
Alestanova n. March, the third month of the Gregorian calendar.
alteru n. Unit (of measurement).
alvegzu n. A Thessian minute.
Aménova n. April, the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar.
Amétalía n. Romance, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Amétshova n. Friday, the sixth day of the Gregorian week.
Atetalía n. Childhood, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Atshénova n. Sunday, the first day of the Gregorian week.
atshovu n. Solar day.
Atvôdzhova n. Tuesday, the third day of the Gregorian week.
Dekléréka n. Day of Ithovíha, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Deztranova n. August, the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar.
didtale n. Moment, instant, centisecond (Glotshatko: 1/144th of a taldidte).
didtalu n. Instant, moment.
dtokelu n. A unit of distance equivalent to exactly 1728 metres.
dtoptu n. A unit of distance equivalent to 0.694 centimetres.
dtotshu n. A unit of distance equivalent to exactly 1 metre.
Ekhessanova n. July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
enakonoví a. Monthly.
Éntanova n. November, the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
Gléréka n. Day of Zeltetéa, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Ítetalía n. Adulthood, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Kaléréka n. Day of Poaléa, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Kantanova n. February, the second month of the Gregorian calendar.
Karsetalía n. Friend-Time, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Kelatalía n. Old Age, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
kelí zhetaña n. More than half; majority.
leptu n. Unit of area.
Levadzhova n. Thursday, the fifth day of the Gregorian week.
lírisí talpléovu n. LKY; the Lyrisclensian calendar basis used at the Trestunarion.
Lítranova n. June, the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar.
litratshovu n. A Thessian month.
Lítréréka n. Day of Lítréa, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Masadotalía n. Month of Pregnancy, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
meptu n. Unit of energy.
Moilanova n. May, the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar.
Òganova n. August, the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar.
penotshu n. A unit of distance equal to 1.5 metres (1.5 dtotshai).
pléholitre n. Week (Glotshatko: 6 solwiksete, or ~5.1 Earth days).
pléove n. Ksreskézaian year (Glotshatko: 243 solwiksete, or ~205.8 Earth days).
pléovu n. Solar year.
raiptu n. Unit of volume.
Resétalía n. Sleep-Time, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
rezivía n. Largest portion; plurality.
Sabtéréka n. Day of Moiléa, the second day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Seregéka n. Day of Úravéa, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Shútanova n. October, the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar.
solwikse n. Ksreskézaian day (Glotshatko: 36 talivete, or ~20.3 Earth hours).
Sotanova n. December, the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar.
Stillasaní Pléholitre n. Goddesses' Week, an intercalary interval inserted between the first and second months.
Surtalía n. Infancy, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
surví talpléovu n. tgc; the Thessian calendar basis.
talatshovu n. A Thessian day; 1/144 of a Thessian great cycle.
taldidte n. Second (Glotshatko: ~784 Earth milliseconds).
talitre n. Minute (Glotshatko: 72 taldidtete, or ~56.4 Earth seconds).
talive n. Hour (Glotshatko: 72 talitrete, or ~33.9 Earth minutes).
talizu n. A Thessian second.
talkelu n. A Thessian hour.
talpléovu n. A Thessian year, also known as a great cycle.
thíptu n. Unit of temperature.
tshelví alvegzu n. IKM; the Lyrisclensian minute.
tshelví howu n. IKC; the Lyrisclensian work cycle.
tshelví litru n. IKW; the Lyrisclensian work period/day.
tshelví talpléovu n. IKY; the Lyrisclensian calendar basis used on prelapsarian Thet, as well as the corresponding unit of time (about 825 Terran days).
tshelví talúu n. IKµY; the Lyrisclensian second or micro-year.
tshelvíntshéu n. IKS; the Lyrisclensian work shift.
Tshippanova n. September, the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar.
Uvíshova n. Wednesday, the fourth day of the Gregorian week.
Yúlinova n. July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
Zeltanova n. January, the first month of the Gregorian calendar.
Zeltshova n. Saturday, the seventh day of the Gregorian week.
zhanekhtíe n. Month (Glotshatko: 25-34 solwiksete, or ~25.1 Earth days on average).
zhetaña n. Half.