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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged location:

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regnaru n. Horizon.
Rehala n. Rehal, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Rikí Lepshúnelía n. Costa Rica.
rinelía n. Elsewhere.
ristelío n. Legislature; place where laws are formed.
Rogo n. Rogot, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Rúsía n. Russia.
sampolíu n. Refuge.
samprekto n. Asylum.
sandí a. Nearby, around, moving around.
sarzelío n. Place of business (store, shop, etc.) belonging to a craftsperson.
Shíveza n. Shíshí, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Sobemí Votana n. Bhutan.
Sobemitría n. Austria.
sotetelía n. Nursery.
sterethino n. Apartment; quarters.
stilloisu n. Religious housing.
Súomelía n. Finland.
taltethelía n. Forum; senate; gathering hall.
Terra n. Earth (prosaic); contrast Alfossa.
Tevite n. Temvit, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Tévopío n. The capital city of most of the successive Ksreskézaian Empires, including the last, the Sunlit Empire.
thanatelía n. Graveyard.
thebelíu (2) n. (with locative, ablative, or dative) Still being created; from the factory; headed to the forge.
Thekta n. Tletkars (Thet), home of the Tletkettoyi, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Tímoro n. Timor.
Tolma n. Mars, the fourth planet of the Sol system.
trídzhoru n. Landmark.
tríolía n. Royal land.
tríu n. Region or area of land; typically compared with a county.
Tshadí Mokamela n. Chad.
Tshayelía n. The afterlife or dream-time proper, beyond Neptarlekína, where the Zeyetan purified dwell for eternity and exchange stories; whence all dreams; see theology article.
tshemelío n. Memorial.
Tshesko n. Czech Republic/Bohemia.
Tshíle n. Chile.
Tshiprísía n. Albania.
Tuñge n. Têñú, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Vako n. Vob Kol, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Valadesha n. Bangladesh.
Varhéno n. Bahrain.
Velíze n. Belize.
Velzha n. Belgium.
Verasíla n. Brazil.
Verdí Lepshúnelía n. Cape Verde.
Verunde n. Burundi.
viradelía n. Sports arena commonly used for several styles of knife fighting; or more specifically the surface on which fighting occurs.
volío n. Placement.
Vosnía n. Bosnia.
Votana n. Tibet.
Votsana n. Botswana.
Watémalía n. Guatemala.
Wemno n. A major city on Ksreskézo known for its high merchantile activity.
Yatrele n. Yatrel, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
yemelíe n. Everywhere.
zellútrio n. Jurisdiction.
zethepa n. Forest, wilderness.
Zhoñgúo n. China.
Zúyame n. Pzúghamë, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.

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