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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged exclamation:

alê ex. Stop; don't do that.
begwé ex. Indicates an idea doesn't work or a joke isn't funny.
bet ex. No.
dilúp ex. Onomatopoeia for a raindrop hitting water, or realization/an idea hitting a mind.
dut ex. Onomatopoeia, equivalent to 'thud'.
dzuvê ex. With regards to the situation at hand; what is currently being done; presently; now; already; anyway.
efokera n. Happy coincidence; as an exclamation, remarking on a good outcome.
egúlé ex. Cry of disgust or exasperation.
egwé ex. Maybe.
ei ex. Go away.
ekla m. But; despite this; still.
estho ex. I am bored.
eté ex. I am sorry.
fífí ex. Onomatopoeia for childish laughter.
gal ex. Help me.
garékosinete ex. Hugs and kisses.
gegloko n. War.
géloho n. Military engagement; skirmish; fight; (euphemistically) war.
ía ex. Indicates shock, surprise, or dismay.
íowím ex. Please.
katei ex. It is finished; I am ready; things are OK.
khê ex. Onomatopoeia for sighing, particularly in exasperation.
khô ex. Onomatopoeia for a sigh, particularly of relief or satisfaction.
khû ex. Onomatopoeia for a growl or sigh of resentment.
klet ex. Clicking noise, usually of technology snapping into place.
ktú ex. Onomatopoeia for a boom or explosion.
ptê ex. Disgust or frustration, usually targeted at a defective object rather than a suggestion.
ptekkha n. Pain (profanity).
rísto ex. Hello.
sabloko n. Victory.
sama ex. "Favour!" or "Fortune!": called out during competitions or gambling to exhort desirable outcomes; considered irreverent or abusive by Orthodox Sarthíans.
skur ex. Onomatopoeia of scraping or screeching.
tal ex. Go faster; be briefer.
tha-tha ex. Don't interrupt; pay attention.
tik ex. Hiccup/hiccough (onomatopoeia).
títí ex. Giggling.
tôñghê ex. Meanwhile, elsewhile.
tôtô ex. Inappropriate or repressed laughter, usually in response to some unfortunate but amusing situation.
yeré ex. Again; more.
zhampim ex. Please have safe travels.
ex. Yes.