The following dictionary entries are tagged acoustics:
ailekhto n. Microphone or other audio-detecting device.
ané v. To examine, inspect, explore, or closely study something.
asithu n. Silence.
azide n. Voice.
búé v. To drum a beat.
búu n. Beat; rhythmic percussion.
etesso n. Echo.
fasekturí a. Tonal; pertaining to tightness or a tightening.
haisithé v. To hear.
keldothí a. Hoarse; wavering; uneven due to exasperation or exhaustion.
kelithé v. To yell or bellow.
kelithí a. Loud; bellowing; boldly suggesting.
kletu n. Clicking noise.
ktú ex. Onomatopoeia for a boom or explosion.
ktúe n. Boom.
ktúthé v. To make a boom sound; to explode or implode violently.
lersithekhu n. Treble-line; a high-pitched counterpoint to the bassline that appears in some Lilitic music.
lersithu n. Treble.
múraithu n. Passive-aggressive silence, either malicious or vengeful.
paua n. Pulse.
sartithí a. Softly-speaking; gently suggesting.
sasithí a. Quietly; softly-speaking.
sithekhu n. Melody.
sithení egne n. Sound loudness.
sithení espe n. Sound duration (when not being played audibly; see sithení tale).
sithení evre n. Sound pitch.
sithení tale n. Sound duration (when being played audibly; see sithení espe).
sithina n. Sound; noise; the aural sense.
sithino n. Recorded or artificial audio.
sithíonu n. Speaker.
sithu n. A sound or noise.
skaoksitha n. Nonsense; noise (offensive).
stibúu n. Percussive accompaniment to a religious ceremony.
vensithé v. To mutter, mumble, or murmur.
vensithekhu n. Bassline.
vensithu n. Bass.
yehathé v. To listen to.
yesithu n. Echo; unsolicited, spontaneous recollection of a memory (figurative).
ané v. To examine, inspect, explore, or closely study something.
asithu n. Silence.
azide n. Voice.
búé v. To drum a beat.
búu n. Beat; rhythmic percussion.
etesso n. Echo.
fasekturí a. Tonal; pertaining to tightness or a tightening.
haisithé v. To hear.
keldothí a. Hoarse; wavering; uneven due to exasperation or exhaustion.
kelithé v. To yell or bellow.
kelithí a. Loud; bellowing; boldly suggesting.
kletu n. Clicking noise.
ktú ex. Onomatopoeia for a boom or explosion.
ktúe n. Boom.
ktúthé v. To make a boom sound; to explode or implode violently.
lersithekhu n. Treble-line; a high-pitched counterpoint to the bassline that appears in some Lilitic music.
lersithu n. Treble.
múraithu n. Passive-aggressive silence, either malicious or vengeful.
paua n. Pulse.
sartithí a. Softly-speaking; gently suggesting.
sasithí a. Quietly; softly-speaking.
sithekhu n. Melody.
sithení egne n. Sound loudness.
sithení espe n. Sound duration (when not being played audibly; see sithení tale).
sithení evre n. Sound pitch.
sithení tale n. Sound duration (when being played audibly; see sithení espe).
sithina n. Sound; noise; the aural sense.
sithino n. Recorded or artificial audio.
sithíonu n. Speaker.
sithu n. A sound or noise.
skaoksitha n. Nonsense; noise (offensive).
stibúu n. Percussive accompaniment to a religious ceremony.
vensithé v. To mutter, mumble, or murmur.
vensithekhu n. Bassline.
vensithu n. Bass.
yehathé v. To listen to.
yesithu n. Echo; unsolicited, spontaneous recollection of a memory (figurative).