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lempetemé, v. To construct a sentence or sentences with a reflected symmetry that illuminates a point; chiasmus. If the same words are rigorously reused, it is also called zalitopé.

usage: Múrekíha ossiliskai gí amekía oshes épotetekía, kwes boseí Améa atalai vil kin sefrí skaoberlías.
"Múrekíha needs no love to thrive, for bountiful Améa could never be so cruel."

In this example, Múrekíha (Sadism) is mirrored with skaoberlías (cruel), amekía (love) is mirrored with Améa (Love), and épotetekía (thriving) is mirrored with boseí (bountiful). There is also some symmetry in the adjacent use of oshes (for the purpose of) and kwes (because of) in this example, although it is not prominent enough to be noteworthy wordplay.

etymology: e lemperikhe telmé, "twisting the mirror"
See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

tags: verb, rhetoric