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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged rhetoric:

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afaikhebé v. To posture, to deliberately project a certain silhouette.
alefínané v. To speak honestly about a difficult topic or one frequently subject to ridicule.
alefínanolebí a. Speaking compassionately but without concealing an unpleasant truth.
alíalíegezríu n. Someone who opposes a moderate position.
alídzhafé v. To counter-argue.
alíkelfasekídu n. Someone who opposes deregulation or relaxing rules.
alivitúbé v. To give a familiar quotation or predictable response by only stating part of it; anapodoton.
alpolurivemekhta n. Outrage (comical, pleonastic).
althanagé v. Of a word, sentence, or clause, to span two or more lines in a poem; enjambment.
alúé (ighikhete) v. To omit words because they are obvious in context; linguistic ellipsis.
amezí gegloko n. Landmark argument; catastrophic fight; especially a fight that leads to a breakup.
apintiké v. To swap the syllables of a single word as wordplay.
bedzuneitu n. Informal syllogism; statement of a series of facts that flow from one another.
bedzuneitúbé v. To give or state an informal syllogism.
bekatoné v. To speak hyperbolically for satire or sarcasm; to adynate.
berilekhúé v. To use a word in a lexical role for which it has no standard definition (usually a noun as a verb); especially antimeria/anthimeria.
berízu n. Mistaken person, the minimum possible insult.
bernakorré v. To express a desire by (usually ironically) feigning disinterest.
beronveré v. To give a false etymology to make a point; a kind of morphological pun.
berregé v. To guide someone (to a desired conclusion) with malicious intent; to manipulate a person.
dalé v. To repeat the sound /d/ to create onomatopoeia with thudding footsteps, gunfire, or hammering.
dzhel'-bavé v. To bend meaning; to make a metaphor; to transfigure.
dzhelfé v. To ask after the definition of something, for aphorismus or genuine interest.
dzúdzúbé v. To overuse analogies in the description of something.
egúkorridtu n. Unverifiable claim.
egúravé v. To make an ambiguous or equivocating sentence.
ekhúvenaré v. Exact rhetorical parallelism; isocolon (also ekhuví lúthenaré).
ekkíloé v. To evoke.
erlkoé v. To employ internal rhyme, where one or more rhyme pairs occur within a single line.
espai litraité v. To form or coin a word or phrase in a more compact form.
étharí a. Interwoven; interleaved; twisted together.
evethé v. To protest against [with acc]; to decry a cause.
evethezu n. One who protests against something; hater; antagonizer.
feplemikidu n. Absolutist.
finagolo n. Satirical argument built around insult humour.
flolítu n. Transferred epithet, a type of hypallage.
gadzafé v. To ask permission to speak candidly or to apologise for doing so; parrhesiastic request.
galurithé v. To speak candidly in exercise of one's right or privilege to do so under difficult circumstances; parrhesiastic statement.
galverilu n. The Socratic method.
gekhtanlé v. To employ the rhetorical device of parenthesis.
gekhtelmé v. To twist the meaning of a sentence into a new form halfway through; such as in paraprosdokian or a garden path sentence.
gélohipto n. Heated disagreement (little skirmish).
gevitu n. Foolish or obvious statement, especially tautology or sine dicendo.
gevitúbé v. To make a foolish or obvious statement.
gewoní fu n. Socratic irony; feigned ignorance used to expose faulty premises.
grézhu n. Linguistic trope; any figure of speech that produces a non-literal meaning.
hídzhrítúbé v. To use synchysis, listing adjectives in a parallel order before the nouns.
híédzhé v. To specify two noun clauses with the same grammatical case with the intention of equating them; the literary device of apposition.
híeldzhru n. Noun standing in for an adjective, other modifier, or part of another noun, as in hendiadys.
hitshúbé v. To use part of a thing to refer to the whole; synecdoche of the first kind.
idaladí a. Unreported, unchronicled.
idhaledí a. Unreported, unchronicled.
ikasogé v. To mimic the writing style of another.
íkwalitopé v. Reversal of ownership, a literary trope.
ílethé v. To plead or beg.
íletheka n. Plea.
illegenaré v. To transition from one topic to another; (if excessive) to ramble undirectedly; (if casual) to wander between thoughts.
illesúíé v. To use notional agreement ("the group were" instead of "the group was") with a noun.
illtshaitu n. Philosophical dialogue.
ilmoilekíu n. Metaphor.
ilmoisúu n. Allegory; metaphor-poem.
imkorrúbé v. To give a statement, suggestion, or command as a question; anacoenosis.
inshézu n. Lemma; sub-problem; crisis; a question or challenge that must be resolved before another (larger) issue, particularly of a philosophical or mathematical nature.
kantikidu n. Purist.
kedosithiku n. Deliberate use of rough-sounding or unpleasant words to evoke discomfort; cacophony.
kedvíté v. To conspire.
kedvíu n. Conspiracy; a plot that makes the hardships of life harder to ignore rather than easier.
kelesithé v. To repeat a word several times in a row; epizeuxis.
kelliíksedí a. Ironic.
kellíksé v. To employ irony or be ironic.
kellíksedéú adv. Ironically.
kelliksína n. Irony.
kelmana n. Lengthy or exhaustive critique; treatise; ruling; edict.
keltalí ilmoilekíúbé v. To give an allegory.
keltalikúé v. To prolong; to draw out, especially rhetorical amplification.
kelúnaré v. To use rhetorical parallelism through repeated use of similarity at the end of the sentence or clause.
kelzurí gevitu n. Tautology.
kíloé v. To invoke.
kilosikhu … ethé v. To say the name of [with genitive]; to invoke.
kilozhofé v. To ken; to euphemistically, epithetically, or metaphorically refer to something with a compound word.
kipalúé v. To use or coin a nonstandard contraction; syncope.
kipintiké v. To swap the middles of words as wordplay.
koplivu n. Motto, slogan.
kotorilé v. To argue or fight.
kríveré v. To adnominate; to re-use the same sound in multiple contexts.
kúdo n. Propaganda talking point; fabricated or bent claims.
laimana n. Highly passionate critique; rant or rave.
laimanurí a. Critical; criticizing.
legembé v. To promise something lewd or salacious; to tantalize.
legethé v. To dictate instructions.
legethía n. Dictator; tyrant.
lementipé v. To use symploce; a series of sentences with parallel beginnings and endings.
lempetemé v. To construct a sentence or sentences with a reflected symmetry that illuminates a point; chiasmus.
lenitshúbé v. To use two contrasting portions to refer to a range; merism.
lethé v. To speak as if someone or something else; to employ apostrophe in the first person.
ligimaté v. To employ semantic syllepsis; to form a sentence where one word must be interpreted in different figurative meanings to be read coherently.
lithelkoé v. To employ a half-rhyme.
litraité v. To gather.
loksúbeto n. Pledge.
loksúbetúbé v. To pledge.

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