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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged ethics:

akanteka n. Impurity.
alepokoizildra n. Preference for small government and self-sufficiency; Libertarianism.
alítoneka n. Protest (event).
alpada n. Outrage.
alpolurivemekhta n. Outrage (comical, pleonastic).
amúbekhtína n. Kindness.
apodra n. Disobedience or lack of faith in leadership; faith in libertarianism.
awozekí a. Innocent; being in the state of not knowing.
berregé v. To guide someone (to a desired conclusion) with malicious intent; to manipulate a person.
bertopikúé n. To corrupt; to force the (start of) taking bribes; to induce to cheat.
bertopo n. Corruption; bribery; cheating.
efka– pre. Out of a desire to abide by virtue.
efsarnozí a. Charitable; of a humanitarian nature.
ekashya adv. Acting from purest intentions.
endíkté (mí kyete) v. To penalize.
endíktéo n. Penalty.
ettúa n. Perspective, stance, viewpoint.
flokina n. Riot or violent protest.
galsifora n. Loyalty [of a leader].
galsiforí a. Loyal [of a leader to a follower].
gendamefí alesta n. Sourceless hate; evil.
genessa n. Evil.
genesso n. Cruelty; malice.
ikildto n. Norm; ideologically consistent default; practice from established methodology.
koizildra n. Political ideology.
kwíkedoví a. [of a tragedy] involving substantial humanitarian cost.
lidra n. Yearning for cooperation; faith in collectivism or communism.
litrakoizildra n. Collectivism; communism.
loksí a. Loyal [of a follower to a leader].
loksiforu n. Loyalty [of a follower].
míldra n. Obedience or faith in leadership; faith in authoritarianism.
mítrakoizildra n. Authoritarianism.
neptarlemekta n. Morality; literally, worthiness for Salvation.
neptarlemí a. Moral; becoming of someone not destined for Purgatory.
rebilika n. Philosophical stance favouring generosity, especially pride in quality of work performed.
ríñkorré v. To excommunicate.
rintrúé v. To ignore malfeasance.
sampildto n. Norm; safety convention; safety standard.
sarkatu n. Moral integrity.
sarnokonidta n. Moral.
shiksurí kantyadis a. Of purest intentions.
soidra n. Optimism; faith in progressivism.
soiwalena n. Progressive revolution or coup.
surkoizildra n. Progressivism.
thedra n. Yearning for independence; faith in individualism or anarchism.
thelkoizildra n. Individualism; anarchism.
tsheldra n. Pessimism; faith in conservatism.
tshelkoizildra n. Conservatism.
tshelwalena n. Reactionary revolution or coup.
veñkorré v. To abdicate or resign from a leadership position.
yeviglúé v. To bribe.
zellegé v. To guide someone (to a desired conclusion) with a positive outcome.
zellikamí a. Just; consistent with justice.
zettúa n. Worldview, personal philosophy, overall perspective on life.
Zeyetanivía n. Judge.
zeyetí amúbekhtína n. Balanced kindness; social empathy.
zeyetildta n. Norm; harmony-maximizing convention; natural approach; rite; duty.