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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged philosophy:

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ahilika n. Activism; the praxis of seeking change in the status quo.
alepokoizildra n. Preference for small government and self-sufficiency; Libertarianism.
Alestéïko n. Alestéanism, the state cult of Wanisin; see Alestéa.
alíalíegezríu n. Someone who opposes a moderate position.
alíkelfasekídu n. Someone who opposes deregulation or relaxing rules.
alítoneka n. Protest (event).
apodra n. Disobedience or lack of faith in leadership; faith in libertarianism.
apshúessa n. Inspiration.
atrúëssina n. Magic; unseen acts.
berregé v. To guide someone (to a desired conclusion) with malicious intent; to manipulate a person.
berúkanína n. Cult of personality built around a liar.
berzeyighe n. Falsely balanced thinking; bias.
bístilitro n. High-control group; (pejoratively) cult.
Darika n. Sarthían belief system supposing that the Stillai compose Ossidha by crafting midhai, not by directly manipulating Etharine; so-named for the threads (darei) that connect a thela to a Stilla's true self in Lerossa.
deztrida n. Philosopher.
direbé v. To give a qualitative portrayal or sense of something.
dzafekwía mefítsudzhis n. Student of atomology, a combined field covering particle physics, chemistry, and molecular biology; natural philosopher.
efka– pre. Out of a desire to abide by virtue.
égekhtía il talina n. Passage of time.
egúnikúé v. To make sense of something incoherent or confusing.
ekashya adv. Acting from purest intentions.
ekhtekai adv. Influentially.
ekhtekí a. Influential.
ekhtekya adv. Influentially.
ékka n. Episode of mania or spiritual possession; see ékúlézoka.
ékúzo n. One who causes Kúlézoka; a heretic, barbarian, troublemaker, fool, etc.
ékúzría n. One who causes Kúlézoka; a heretic, barbarian, troublemaker, fool, etc.
enzúkhe n. Over-emphasis; bias.
eponekiko n. Pedagogy, or the praxis of child-rearing philosophy.
eponekudzha n. Philosophy and science of childhood development and education.
éponikidu n. Anchorite, especially a devotee of Neptarléa, Rostyaekía, or Moiléa; see article on asceticism among the Lilitai.
étava n. Any metaphysical construct believed to emanate history; see stía, shúthima, fopesso, and ikesso, and also Lilitic Fate for a more general treatise on the subject.
étavine n. Hypothetical sequence of events proposed as an explanation or plan, or the means through which divine forces indirectly shape the world.
Etharine n. Web of interlinked causal chains.
étrúika n. Empiricism; rejection of faith and hearsay.
étrúikalí a. Empirical.
Feplemika n. Psychology based on the assumption that Sarthían theology reflects universal truths about the mind.
feplemikidu n. Absolutist.
flévebé v. To establish an organisation, set of rules, or tradition.
flokina n. Riot or violent protest.
fopesso n. Emanation of fopaza; compare shúthima.
idhoremoto n. Spycraft; methods for conducting espionage.
idhorepiko n. Espionage.
ighiko n. Ideology.
ighikoní a. Ideological.
ikanína n. Cult or group built around an ideology.
ikesso n. Consequence of Iko, a variety of étava overlapping with the notion of a stía.
ikidu n. Disciple, adherent.
ikildto n. Norm; ideologically consistent default; practice from established methodology.
Iko n. Civilization, especially as a means to achieving Saäzede; contrast fopaza and Natoïko.
iksaré v. To put into practice habitually (to be a practitioner).
illanína n. Cult or group built around an idea.
itreza n. Person who believes in Feplemika or Noplemika; an agnostic or atheist.
kalidaní a. Extremist.
kañka n. Ascetic; one who follows kantíomaniko.
kantikidu n. Purist.
kantíomaniko n. Asceticism; see article on asceticism among the Lilitai.
kedzhúthíma n. Epidemic; bad wind.
Kelossa n. The physical (wider) world, as distinct from the spiritual world or introspection.
Khabla n. Fog separating the Lilitai from perceiving divine beings as the Ksreskézai did; key facet of Venika.
klaida n. Extremist.
klakibí a. Over-the-top, embarrassing, lacking in self-awareness; of art, likely to discomfort its intended audience.
koizildra n. Political ideology.
Kúlézoka n. Emotional agitation of Ossa; Venika jargon to describe contamination of the Etharine by the stasrintshéai and impediment of Saäzede.
Lerossa n. The spiritual world, as distinct from the physical world.
lidra n. Yearning for cooperation; faith in collectivism or communism.
litrakoizildra n. Collectivism; communism.
mídhu n. The story of a person's individual fate, especially as it results from the actions of divinity.
mídzúneite n. Synthesis; the combination of a key proposition and its contradiction yielding a conclusion.
míko n. Political zeitgeist; that which falls within the Overton window; established political practice.
míkoní a. Of a unified policy or philosophy; of the group consensus; of the body politic.
míldra n. Obedience or faith in leadership; faith in authoritarianism.
mítrakoizildra n. Authoritarianism.
naponesso n. Liberty.
neitúbé v. To establish or lay out premises or agreed-upon facts.
neptarlemekta n. Morality; literally, worthiness for Salvation.
neptarlemí a. Moral; becoming of someone not destined for Purgatory.
Noplemika n. Psychology based on the assumption that Sarthían theology reflects truths about the minds of Sarthíans only.
Ossidha n. The narrative of history, especially as it results from the actions of divinity.
rebilika n. Philosophical stance favouring generosity, especially pride in quality of work performed.
Saäzede n. Cosmic balance and order; universal state characterized by the absence of irrational or emotional behaviour according to the Venika.
Sainíka n. Doctrine; Our Way [as opposed to customs of non-Lilitu groups].
sainíkalí a. Of the doctrines of the Lilitai; doctrinal to the Lilitai.
sama ex. "Favour!" or "Fortune!": called out during competitions or gambling to exhort desirable outcomes; considered irreverent or abusive by Orthodox Sarthíans.
Sanossa n. The physical world, as distinct from the spiritual world.
sarekhtímoto n. Praxis.
sarkatu n. Moral integrity.
saskíka n. Security doctrine; methods for protecting against espionage or theft.
shiksurí kantyadis a. Of purest intentions.
shiweneis éthartildtanis mefis a. Of practical consequence.
shúthima n. Wind, either literal or as a type of étava.
soidra n. Optimism; faith in progressivism.
soiwalena n. Progressive revolution or coup.
stanína n. Cult of personality; fandom.
stía n. Quill (see also stíu), a variety of étava generated by observable, rational actions.
stillaité v. To divine; to consult a Goddess.
stillessa n. Analogue of vanshúa found in Darika: the emanations of the divine that rest in the soul, generating rational, emotional beings from inert matter and chemically-fuelled automata.
stillethekía n. Miracles; logos; the supernatural; evidence of divine intervention in the natural world.
Súíanivía n. Mathematician, a type of minor Venikan cultist similar to a Pythagorean.
surkoizildra n. Progressivism.

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