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, v. To be.

usage: This has several different grammatical appearances:

  • When used to indicate that a noun has a certain attribute, ideally one should use a combining suffix like -ivé ([noun]-being) or -ivíuvé ([adjective]-bearer-being) for simple cases: wistona-la wistorivis, "the lemon is sour."
  • When indicating that one noun is another noun, use the subject complement: olí wistona saní wistonas vis, "this lemon is my lemon."
  • When indicating that one noun bears a more complex trait, or to express things more clearly, use the subject complement with the -ivíu suffix or the compacted -íu form. This is permissible in formal language even though -íu generally isn't: saní wistona wistorías vis, "my lemon is sour."
  • When used to call attention to the act of being, the direct object may be used: la lergalsau vis, "she is preoccupied with the trappings and/or logistics of being a saviour." This usage often appears in English in a critical sense, but is not necessarily negative in Lilitic.
  • To state or ask if something exists, use with Ossa in the locative, e.g. olú apal Ossa vis kai, "this exists."

etymology: LPO bho
attestation: Appears in first Oksí Lilitika documents.
See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

related: veshé
tags: verb, copula
reverse terms: be