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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged verb:

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zhíloté v. To regrow after a drought or winter.
zhíodústé v. To rebuild.
zhíodústé (2) v. To restore; to rebuild.
zhíoeré v. To recount.
zhíogé v. To return.
zhíohé v. To alter; to modify.
zhíoneitrúé v. To investigate.
zhíovekhrumbé v. To change the meaning or goal of something.
zhobedé v. To break flow, especially to interrupt a sentence with another as a rhetorical device.
zhofé v. To subdivide, dissolve, or otherwise break up.
zhofúé v. To divide.
zhoiré v. To collapse.
zhokré v. To shatter into shards; to fragment.
zholaré v. To manipulate (with hands).
zholegúbé v. To gesture (with a hand).
zholezgé v. To raise one's hands, turning the palms upward in an expression of dismay, inability, or apathy; analogous to shrugging.
zhombé v. To punch.
zhombé (úebes tshitsewai) v. To employ a pun.
zhomípé v. To raid [a religious sect].
zhompré v. To collapse (archaic).
zhophédzhé v. To analyze.
zibé v. To accept a state of affairs; to come to terms with a situation (contrast oshaité).
zígembé v. To place trust in someone making a promise; usually used with leaders.
zígíté v. To react to a state of leaderlessness; usually to choose a new leader; compare zílúgíté when the leader is absent or ineffective.
zílúgíté v. To react to a state of ineffectual or unavailable leadership; contrast zígíté.
zímazé v. To obey an instructor.
zinarepé v. To devise a recipe; to formulate.
ziyalbedé v. To repair.
zíyaré v. To react.
zízelliké v. To react to natural order/beauty, to devote oneself, or to become a believer in an ultimate higher power.
zoré v. To commit resources to something.
zúbeshé v. To swell or expand.

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