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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged adjective:

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abístarí a. Uncontrollable; independent; rebellious; not able to be worked (for labour).
abizeneí a. Dysfunctional or withdrawn, suggesting depression or worry.
adzhrí a. Feminine.
afoí a. Simplistic; crude.
agendarí a. Essential; needed; mandatory; that which cannot be done without.
aharí a. Flexible; able to change.
akekhí a. Infinite; endless.
akelí a. Average (in quality).
alatedí a. Continuous; unabated.
alefanya repeneí a. Cynical.
alefínanolebí a. Speaking compassionately but without concealing an unpleasant truth.
alégharí a. Not sentient; incapable of thought (archaic; see aleghurí).
aleghurí a. Not sentient; incapable of thought.
alegúlí a. Familiar or prominent; easily recognized.
alekseí a. Undesired; unappealing; not a solution to the problem at hand.
alekzellí a. Absurd.
alémanazarobí a. Intractable.
alemaní a. Without opinion; neutral.
alémarobí a. Intractable.
alématarobí a. Incompatible (of machine parts).
alématekí a. Disconnected.
alemí a. Basic; plain; not worthy of anything.
alémoí a. Powerless; having no effect; futile; inapplicable.
alémoigrí a. Physically powerless; ephemeral; gossamer; completely without strength.
alemúrolebí a. Harmless.
alenzúbemí a. Irrelevant.
aleseteneí a. Anorexic; fasting.
alésomí a. Inappropriate.
alesponí a. Unsoiled, clean.
alesteneí a. Hurtful; cutting; intending to harm.
alestígí a. Random; without greater purpose.
alestorí a. Bitter.
alezhofarobí a. Indivisible.
alezlitrí a. Ungrouped.
alezonedí a. Invisible; unseen.
alfônúbedí a. Designed to accommodate humans (but typically not Lilitai).
alíkiní a. Contrary; of the path against.
alíkorredí a. Disputed.
alítetí a. Deadly; potentially lethal.
alitremí a. Private.
allistekí a. Prescriptive; pertaining to a denouncement or proscription.
aloí a. Unused.
aloreí a. Casual.
alsoiní a. Solid, thorough, massive, dense.
althoí a. Cross; relational; comparative; comparing.
alvegzí a. Medium; of no unusual size.
alví a. Rising in a mound, hill or slight bulge.
alyerezí a. Not more; not further.
amazekí a. Organically developed; grassroots; spontaneous; organic; unplanned.
amnessedí a. Tuned, keyed, conditioned, imprinted; configured to respond only to specific stimuli or inputs.
amúreksí a. Immune.
anatí a. Irreversible.
anatosarobí a. Irreversible.
Añglikí a. Of English culture.
anôstí a. Healthful; pertaining to medicine or bolstering good health.
apefí a. Without beginning; especially used of timeless traditions or phenomena.
apelí a. Local; native; not Lilitic.
apolí a. Local, native, not Lilitic.
aponarí a. Gross; disagreeably large or numerous.
arezyarí a. Delicate; untouchable.
–arobí suf. Able to be ~ed (V to A.)
asanlí a. Isolated.
asaraví a. Adverse, unsmooth, uncomfortable.
asúkavehedí a. Inadequate for a particular task; see hedí.
asúkorí a. Inadequate.
atalí a. Never occurring.
atetí a. Young.
atetikí a. Childlike; childish.
atetônúbedí a. Designed to accommodate children.
atopekeneí a. Neglectful.
atrúarí a. Invisible; not seeable.
averobí a. Countless.
awozekí a. Innocent; being in the state of not knowing.
azellí a. Untrue.
azhofarí a. Atomic; discrete; of indivisible elements.
azhofedí a. Intact.
azhoí a. Elementary; easy.
azholedí a. Easily lifted; light; readily understood; comprehensible; easy; simple.
azonedí a. Distinctive; easily distinguished.
bailí a. Magnetic.
balitrelí a. Institutional.
baveshí a. Bent.
bavharí a. Flexible; able to bend.
berekturí a. Defective; flawed.
berthebí a. Fake; false.
bíelkwedí a. Flawed.
bízanelí a. Institutional.
bízekí a. Operational, said of a person, plan, or ensemble; able to labour.
bízetalí a. Part-time.
bosamarí a. Precious.
boseí a. Rich, varied, bountiful.
bosekhrí a. Colorful.
bosethebedí a. Splendid; fine; deluxe.
bosêtí a. Luxuriant (of an item or style of living).
bosêturí a. Accustomed to luxury.
bothedí a. Splendid; fine; luxurious.
búkí a. Harsh.
bûretí a. Fake; false.
dekaturí a. Presumable.
dekatyerí a. Prior.

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