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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged adjective:

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dhísúí a. Curious.
Doitsikí a. Of German culture.
dompeí a. Secretive.
dosématekí a. Connected in a ring.
dúmelí a. Civic.
dúminaní a. Civilian.
dúminanu a. Civilian.
dústinotaní a. Of the aesthetics of construction; architectural.
dzenekhonverekirí a. Of the same description.
dzenkrí a. Of the same description.
dzheradí a. Passionate; magenta-tongued.
dzí a. What, which.
dzúlerí a. Hierarchical.
dzúmaní a. Likewise.
dzústíoví a. Instrumental; literally, "like a pen."
dzútheluví a. Analogous; similar in function or role.
é– pre. When combined with a -í stem, turns a noun into an adjective meaning 'with <noun>' (N to A).
ebístekí a. Moderate; of a medium degree.
ébizolebí a. Cooperative, able to cooperate.
édarí a. Related to; connected with.
edzhrí a. Neuter.
effelí a. Alien; strange.
eflitrí a. From a group; an emotion felt on behalf of a group one belongs to.
efsarnozí a. Charitable; of a humanitarian nature.
egiskí a. Absent.
egní a. Narrow.
égônúbedí a. Designed to accommodate Lilitai.
egúlí a. General or vague.
eidelí a. Integral; necessary.
ekhtekí a. Influential.
ekhteshí a. Artificial.
ekhuví a. Of the exact same structure and shape.
ekrintedí a. Mutually exclusive.
–eksí suf. ~-causing (V to A).
ektetí a. Biotic; organic; originating in a living organism.
ékúlí a. Duty-bound; obligated to fulfilling something.
ekwaleí a. Excellent.
ekwilledí a. Of concepts: abstract; generalized; having no basis in concrete specifics.
–ekzí suf. To ~ward (noun PM to A).
élitrí a. Connected; with the group; social; in a state of belonging.
éloarobí a. Applicable.
embedí a. Dehydrated, dessicated.
émíoní a. Conventional.
émorendí a. Intensive.
enakonoví a. Monthly.
énalotí a. Constituent.
énamorí a. Salty.
enzí a. Only.
enzigí a. Certain.
epoedí a. Bound; tied.
eponemí a. Delicate; worth shielding or keeping in a protective shell.
–epzí suf. From ~ward (noun PM to A).
éríhí a. Fond.
eryalí a. Interior.
éshidlaní a. Offensive (strategy, equipment, etc).
espí a. Short in length.
étemí a. Worth considering; considerable.
étharekhtí a. Evolutionary [of a non-biological system].
étharí a. Interwoven; interleaved; twisted together.
éthelí a. Alone; isolated; lonely; unadorned; bare; naked.
ethemí a. Notable.
étrúikalí a. Empirical.
étrúlí a. Appearing to be <noun>.
evakekhíalí a. Permanent.
évedí a. Compound.
evegzí a. Small; having modest amounts of all applicable dimensions.
évizzekí a. Encouraging.
evonza a. Entertainment.
evonzahorí a. Entertaining.
evrí a. Shallow or short in height.
ézellikí a. Legitimate.
ézúsaní a. Defensive (posture, equipment, etc).
–ezzí suf. At ~ward (noun PM to A).
fameneí a. Glittering.
fasekturí a. Tonal; pertaining to tightness or a tightening.
fatheneí a. Luminescent.
fektarí a. Handy; convenient; having a handle; [of a problem] currently solvable.
felsúeví a. Consecutive.
femboseí a. Exotic and valuable.
fenúlí a. Exotic; not found locally.
feplemí a. Absolute (said of a line of reasoning or moral argument).
foekthedí a. Elaborate of design; intricate; complicated.
fogedí a. Hard to lift; cumbersome; tricky; having many components; fragile; unwieldy; awkward to use.
foí a. Complicated; intricate; displaying high internal connectivity; complex; not easy.
forí a. Suitable; fitting; appropriate.
foyerí a. Highly complex; sophisticated; layered.
Frasikí a. Of French culture.
galsiforí a. Loyal [of a leader to a follower].
gebosí a. Copious, excessive, abundant, rich, overflowing, too much.
geglokalí a. Primitive, savage.
gekí a. Operational, said of a vehicle or travel route; able to go.
gemberí a. Accurate; honest; without fantasy or distortion; truthful; as promised.
gemfrí a. Lacking sufficiency; nowhere near enough.
gemúredí a. Uninjured; healthy.
genabedí a. Dry.
genalí a. Instant.
gendagí a. Relative measurement; not taken from zero.
gendalúekí a. Graphic; unabridged; uncensored; containing violent, criminal, or lewd detail.
gendamotí a. Haphazard; undirected; formless; disorderly; tasteless; uncultivated.
gendiforí a. Lacking specialization; baseline.

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