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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged adjective:

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fogedí a. Hard to lift; cumbersome; tricky; having many components; fragile; unwieldy; awkward to use.
foí a. Complicated; intricate; displaying high internal connectivity; complex; not easy.
forí a. Suitable; fitting; appropriate.
foyerí a. Highly complex; sophisticated; layered.
Frasikí a. Of French culture.
galsiforí a. Loyal [of a leader to a follower].
gebosí a. Copious, excessive, abundant, rich, overflowing, too much.
geglokalí a. Primitive, savage.
gekí a. Operational, said of a vehicle or travel route; able to go.
gemberí a. Accurate; honest; without fantasy or distortion; truthful; as promised.
gemfrí a. Lacking sufficiency; nowhere near enough.
gemúredí a. Uninjured; healthy.
genabedí a. Dry.
genalí a. Instant.
gendagí a. Relative measurement; not taken from zero.
gendalúekí a. Graphic; unabridged; uncensored; containing violent, criminal, or lewd detail.
gendamotí a. Haphazard; undirected; formless; disorderly; tasteless; uncultivated.
gendiforí a. Lacking specialization; baseline.
gendikí a. Lacking in style or cohesion; haphazard; inelegant; uninspired.
gendiyurí a. Automatic; without thinking.
genédarí a. Unrelated; not involving any common factors; separate.
geñkilosurí a. Anonymous; name unknown or not applicable.
geñkoisurí a. Homeless.
gennúí a. No more; no additional.
gensithurí a. Passive.
genthimí a. Extremely cold.
gésteksí a. Amusing; subtle; bold; gutsy; daring; clever.
gezodí a. Integral; whole number.
a. No, none, zero in number.
glatekí a. Marine; aquatic.
gliní a. Proximal.
glinshúi a. Sacred.
gloí a. Gone, null, missing, vanished.
glozokurí a. Furious.
goloí a. Depleted, empty, emptied.
gontúatí a. Rotten or decaying; metaphorically, wasted (does not imply corruption or betrayal).
gorí a. Automatic; by machine.
gúforí a. Generic; enabling nothing.
gúnurí a. Failed.
haitemí a. Delicate; precious; worth holding.
haití a. Receptive, observant, or recipient.
haitinsholí a. Proportional.
hakeksí a. Astonishing; scandalous; shocking; controversial; provoking gasps.
haponí a. Dirty, soiled.
haspalí a. Magical; miraculous.
hedí pm. About, regarding, which speaks of.
heforí a. Potentially lethal.
hefrekí a. Proven to be lethal.
Hellenikí a. Of the Greeks.
híegeneí a. Moving alongside; on a parallel course.
híemokhiní a. Intimate.
híéú m. Also; alongside; in the same sense.
Hispanikí a. Of Spanish-speaking culture.
Hogenemí a. Of the Hogedep.
hoksellí a. Incorrect; far from what was wanted.
íañgeneí a. Challenging.
íanidzhedí a. Dedicated.
íantrúkí a. Optimistic; looking upward.
ibedossalí a. Naval.
ibedrí a. Damp.
idaladí a. Unreported, unchronicled.
idemeneí a. Earning; working; profitable.
idhaledí a. Unreported, unchronicled.
idhalí a. From a story; literary.
idhikalí a. Literary; of the style of literature.
idhinalí a. Literary; from literature.
idzhemí a. Eligible.
ifilarí a. Intriguing.
ighanôstí a. Psychiatric; relating to thought cures.
ighelianí a. Cognitive; involving the functions of the brain.
ighifoí a. Cognitive; involving complex thoughts.
ighikoní a. Ideological.
ighurí a. Sentient.
ilakhtí a. Typical.
ílantekí a. Meaningful.
ílarobí a. Appealing, desirable (reflecting a judgement by the speaker).
íleksí a. Desired; appealing; sought after (reflecting the opinion of someone being discussed).
ílipsí a. Wanted; desired.
illaitekí a. Meaningful.
illemí a. Ideal.
ílokhurí a. Desperate.
iltaní a. Consequent.
iltúshí a. Of art: dream-inspired, imagination-inspired, hallucination-inspired; or symbolic or abstract.
intríolí a. Provincial.
íoptí a. Polite; generally well-mannered.
–ireshkí suf. Having been ~ (V to A.) While íré is indeed the source of the 'ir' portion of this suffix, it does not provide a perfect aspect as in English, but rather the past tense (see íré).
itetônúbedí a. Designed to accommodate adults (but not children).
ithorí a. Alternative word meaning "third" or "tertiary".
izzí a. Mere.
kadushí a. Important.
kalidaní a. Extremist.
kantí a. Pure.
karení a. Recorded or digitally stored.
kassalí a. Barely.
kassefrí a. Marginal; barely sufficient.
kastalí a. Briefly.
kazarlí a. Trustworthy.
kedlefí a. Aggressive.
kedobí a. Rough, coarse, difficult.
kedobí (2) a. Crude.

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