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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged adjective:

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kedolempeneí a. Glittering; shiny but having a coarse texture, thereby yielding an uneven image; eye-catching; bearing mesmerizing detail; secretive.
kedolí a. Dented.
kedoví a. Bad; undesirable.
kedwizí a. Integrated; hard to extract.
kedyedí a. Gritty; grainy; (of a fluid) containing coarse particles or lumps.
keghaní a. Honest; blunt; frank.
keimí a. Hot.
kekhataní a. Final (as a destination).
kélaní a. Extensive.
kelatetí a. Old, aged, elderly (oppose atetí, young).
keldothí a. Hoarse; wavering; uneven due to exasperation or exhaustion.
kelegní a. Wide.
kelempeneí a. Shiny; glossy; well-rehearsed and charismatic.
kelerí a. Too much; too many.
kelespí a. Long.
kelevegzí a. Large; having considerable amounts of all applicable dimensions.
kelevrí a. Tall or deep.
kelfelí a. Bizarre, strange, weird, cacophonous, of incomprehensible intention or purpose.
kelí a. Big.
kelighurí a. Intelligent.
kelithí a. Loud; bellowing; boldly suggesting.
kelitsilí a. Gritty.
kelkedobí a. Brutal, crude, coarse.
kelkedoví a. Fatal; extremely bad.
kelliíksedí a. Ironic.
kelmanaltí a. Of lengthy sequence; such as a long list of instructions.
kelmanalturí a. Lengthy (in sequence).
kelmetlí a. over-enthusiastic.
kelmoí a. Very powerful; very effective; very sturdy; very strong.
kelnaití a. Old, dated (oppose naití, new).
kelpeftí a. Extremely ripe; on the verge of going bad, but not yet bad in any way; at the latest point of maximum greatness.
kelrileneí a. Highly demanding; intensive; badgering; strict.
kelrorlí a. Probable.
kelsuntaní a. Last; very late.
keltalí a. Of long duration.
keltalurí a. Long-time.
keltshentaní a. First; very early.
keltshomorí a. Stale.
kelzurí a. Profound.
kenoheneí a. Long-standing; long-unchanging.
kenzí a. Distant.
kesaví a. Very full and round.
kétalírí a. Heralding a significant milestone in social or technological development.
kethúneí a. Narcissistic.
kettalí a. Chronic.
kevlematekí a. Hierarchically connected.
kewalí a. Slow.
kezdúshkí a. Doomed; brought into life for misery.
keznoví a. For another; an emotion felt on behalf of a person other than oneself, or a group one does not belong to.
khosarí a. Distal; away from a locus or centre.
khosevegzí a. Immense.
khosidhalí a. Legendary.
khostríaní a. Foreign; of a far land.
khozhúmolí a. Colonial.
Khúsakí a. Of the culture of the Khúsak.
kíeskemí a. Notorious; gossip-worthy; news-worthy.
kilosalúbedí a. Anonymous; name withheld.
kílosúbedí a. Nominated.
kilúbedí kreníyadis a. Accountable; having given one's name to the record.
kímaëdí a. Mutual.
kíotarí a. Available as an option.
kipabvedí a. Explicit.
kipagí a. Absolute measurement; taken from zero.
kipíolí a. Mainstream; current; in circulation.
klai kordíkedí a. Padded out.
klakibí a. Over-the-top, embarrassing, lacking in self-awareness; of art, likely to discomfort its intended audience.
klatorí a. Fatal; capable of causing an end.
klefí a. Passive-aggressive.
klerinurí a. Barred (of a window or door).
klí a. Excessive; note also the adverbial form klai ("excessively").
klisarasí a. Overweight or fat.
klitrení a. Communal.
klíwaledí a. Dizzy.
klizí a. Tiny.
kolí a. Several; some; a paucity or paucal amount.
Kossipí a. Of Cossipian culture.
krení a. On paper; on a computer; recorded.
Ksreskézikí a. Ksreskézaian.
ktúkiforí a. Explosive.
Kúanení a. Telaian.
kúorí a. Operational, said of a factory; able to make.
kwíkedoví a. [of a tragedy] involving substantial humanitarian cost.
lagallí a. Bold, daring.
laibosiptí a. Fabulous.
laiëgorí a. Quick; fleet-footed.
laiëstekí a. Hale; well-spoken; lucid; healthy.
laïethorí a. Loose-lipped; revealing; talkative; gregarious.
laìkí a. Colossal.
lailokí a. Eager.
laimanurí a. Critical; criticizing.
laiñkelevegzí a. Colossal.
laiteteneí a. Lively; living; animate; boisterous.
laithebeneí a. Productive.
laitinsurí a. Costly.
laitrúarí a. High-profile; distractingly obvious.
laitrúkidí a. Cautious.
laitrúürí a. Wide awake; alert.
laivúsí a. Obtuse (of large angle, not necessarily, though usually, more than 90°).
latôkhí a. Fulfilling.
lebedoshéfí a. Undisturbed in appearance; profoundly still; clear (especially of a pool of water); limpid.

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