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Lilitika Dictionary

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bíbavu n. Elbow.
bidhildtu n. Novel; storybook.
bidhúkwía n. Novelist; author of novels.
bílo n. The B consonant.
bímatu n. Shoulder.
bímegnu n. Wrist.
bímu n. Arm.
Bísoa n. Guinea-Bissau.
bístikkhu n. Governance.
bístilitro n. High-control group; (pejoratively) cult.
bístogalsu n. Priestess tasked with waking sleepwalkers.
bístou n. Controlling dream; supposed as a cause of sleepwalking or other parasomniac behaviour.
bístu n. Control.
bitu n. Needle; any small indicator, rod, or elongated tool.
bízanlekío n. Order; set of instructions.
bízanlío n. Institution.
bízekhtilí galekwía n. Job trainer.
bízekhtúkwía n. Work allocator; someone who assigns jobs and duty rosters.
bízekwía malsolis n. Metalsmith.
bízlitru n. Portfolio [of a government minister].
bizlumbelía n. Training academy; trade school.
Blevía n. Blebhí, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Bolivía n. Bolivia.
bosekhrona n. Apple.
bosekíra n. Contractor; contract-holder.
bosekro n. Contract, certificate, diploma; sheet of applewood cardstock traditionally used for important certificates.
bosekro rebekis n. Licence (document).
boselíu n. Treasury, especially a votive treasury at an oracle intended to impress pilgrims.
boseñku n. Ornamental robe.
bosêtetu n. Luxury.
bovinë n. Herd of cattle.
bovu n. Cow, ox, bull, beast, bovine.
Brúnaia n. Brunei.
búkelíu n. Hazard.
búlala n. Vanilla.
búterku n. Military facility; fortress; castle.
búu n. Beat; rhythmic percussion.
búvu n. Phase.
dabitu n. Sewing needle.
dabu n. Moccasin.
dalo n. The D consonant.
Damake n. Denmark.
damota n. Aesthetics of footwear and foot adornment.
Darika n. Sarthían belief system supposing that the Stillai compose Ossidha by crafting midhai, not by directly manipulating Etharine; so-named for the threads (darei) that connect a thela to a Stilla's true self in Lerossa.
daru n. (a) thread; (b) archaic term for "line".
darúkwía n. Thread-gatherer.
Dashro n. A military starport on Ksreskézo, noteworthy for its involvement in the Lilitic evacuation.
Daumatría n. Dalmatia; Croatia.
dazépeto n. Patch.
dazéu n. Fabric.
dazoilu n. Pocket.
dazokha n. Weather.
dazolía n. Sky.
dazou n. Cloud (archaic).
dazu n. Matched clothing, as in a designed outfit or fashion line; a set of clothing.
dazúkwía n. Fuller, or a weaver specialized in completed cloth suitable for tailoring.
Déata n. Deäts, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
degeponedíu n. Hostage.
dégílesta n. Horn fetishism.
deginelío n. Boneyard; place of tombs; catacombs.
dégu n. Horn.
degu n. Chitin (not to be confused with dégu).
Dégurí Lepshúnelía n. Ivory Coast.
dekansepa n. Colostrum.
deklatesso n. Prevention.
Dekléréka n. Day of Ithovíha, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
deklílesta n. Costume fetishism.
Deklina n. The leadership of the Lilitai, consisting of the Matriarch, her closest advisors, and other top-ranking appointees.
deklío n. Traditional lands of a family or tribe.
deklítu n. Prefix.
deklivu n. Outfit or costume, regardless of completeness or stylistic consistency.
dekmanekwía n. Planner.
deknotinu n. Clothing aesthetics; popular fashion.
dékoppo n. Glass, regardless of composition.
dekrahíssa n. Premise.
deksoino n. Foyer; variant spelling of detsoino.
dekterbelíu n. Bulb, bud, or anything bulb-shaped.
dektsoilu n. Clothing storage space.
déku n. Window.
dekziyerubekwía n. Preventative maintenance technician.
démano n. Plan.
demnu n. Pose, position.
denelía n. Writing room; scriptorium.
deñga n. Outfit.
deñku n. Garment; any article of clothing including shoes and jewellery.
denlagu n. Secretary.
denlekwía n. Professional writer.
denlekwía survinanis n. Journalist.
denlu n. Medium; that substance which is used to illustrate, typically ink or paint.
denza n. Carbon; fertilizer.
détshe n. Intent.
detsoino n. Lobby; vestibule; foyer.
dezhave n. Constraint or restriction placed on choice; ban.
dezhílesta n. Bondage fetishism.
dezhoka n. Fear of being restrained.
Deztranova n. August, the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar.
deztrida n. Philosopher.
deztru n. Clarity of thought.
dezu n. Neck (archaic).
dheñgezhekwía n. Dresser.

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